Delta 1010lt - multiple cards, once again


New member
Okay, let's try this again. The stupid computer I was on before kept locking up causing the multiple posts. I didn't know that my message had been posted.

I asked earlier about advantages and disadvantages of 1010 vs. 1010lt. Didn't get much response. Although I would like to purchase one of these units. (it's for church music recording)

Right now I'm looking to record a maximum of eight tracks simultaneously. It's possible, although maybe unlikely, that in the future I will want to record more than eight or ten tracks at once. Can I hook up two of these units to do so?

I am putting together a computer with approximate specs: 1.4 Ghz, 60 gb hd, 256 ram. I will be using Cool Edit Pro.

I went through the M-Audio website but wasn't positively sure my questions were answered. So I wanted some advice from those in the know. Sorry for the multiple posts before. Have patience, I'm new to digital recording and just learning as I go.

Differences and similarities between 1010LT and 1010.

LT has no breakout box. 1010 does. This secures your input and output jacks in a nice rackmount box. Its easier to use. Its easier to plug things in and out. Its convenient. You pay more for convenience.

LT has 2 mic preamps. 1010 does not.

LT has unbalanced RCA ins and outs. 1010 has balanced 1/4" ins and outs. I hate RCA. Its a battle. Id much rather have 1/4." But its a personal preferance I guess. As for balanced and unbalanced, thats not my area of expertise.

As for connecting multiple cards. That is also not my area of expertise. I do know that for the money, the LT is a fine deal. I dont miss having the breakout box. Although the breakout box would look cool, and people would walk in and go 'wow thats some breakout box you have.' But thats ok.