Delta 1010 best way to use 600 bucks on a sound card?


New member
I'm about to buy one, but before I do I thought it would be a good idea to check here to make sure there isn't a product out there that does more for less.

- Gunther
Depends on your needs. Do you have mic pre-amps and/or a mixer? If you don't, an Aardvark Q10 is a good option.
Pre’s are good but no mixer. I was hoping to do the mixing via software.

Pretty much I have some mic pre and keyboards that will need to go into the soundcard. plus midi in from my midi controller / and midi out to my Motif rack.
And of course stereo out from the sound card to my monitors.

I wonder how all that will get mixed. Do the inputs get treated like CD and Wave channels in the pc? Does m-audio provide some sort of windows mixer and monitor functions?
of course, you will need some kind of multitracking software.
Check the other forums on this BBS, for some examples. Prices range from about 65 bucks to probably 600 ish for programs.

with the 1010 comes a "control panel", which will assist you in setting things up with your software, volumes, etc. etc. etc.

but i'd say that the 1010 is a nice way to go.