Delta 1010 and XP


New member
Any successes/failures using a Delta 1010 with Windows XP? I'll be using Sonar 2.0XL.

I need to upgrade my operating system and it seems like it wouuld be easiest to upgrade to XP Home. I have a Delta 1010 card on the way and before I buy the software upgrade would like to know if there's been any problems.

Thanks to all for your help and opinions! I've got my board and sound card and software on the way and i'm making final selections for other accessories now.

I have a Delta 1010, but I'm still running Win ME :(

However, on the Sonar newsgroup there are a lot of people running Sonar with a Delta 1010 and Win XP. The feedback there is that it's a great combination.

There apparently are some issues with the Delta and certain MoBo's - but best I can tell, that's going to be an issue regardless of the OS you use, so it shouldn't stop you from upgrading the OS.
That's a combination I'd like to try someday if M-Audio tech support ever replies to my request for service.

My Delta 1010 has been malfunctioning since February and I still haven't been able to get it fixed.

I will write a post about it when it's all over.
Sonar, 1 and 2 was mainly made for Windows XP. It is a great combination if youve got a good system. However, it might not be recomended if you have a system with less than 1.2GHz CPU and 256MBs RAM, but i have had success with it.
