

New member
this is my first song posting to the board, and i'd love to have some feedback. i had posted this song on self-centered a few days ago and got mixing complaints. i read a lot of articles and posts here and i think i have something better now. the song was recorded (with a sennheiser e835, behringer eurorack mx602a, cep, and buzz for the sequencing) on wednesday night in my dorm room. the drums are programmed but everything else is real.

the original mix
this is the updated mix with a new vocals track (the original one was destroyed in a freak accident. nobody was hurt.

any expertise would be appreciated. thanks :^)
Im a drum man myself so I like to hear good drumming. The high hat is a little too tiny and you need a little more bass drum kick.
Its a descent song, but a little too dry.
Reminds me a lot of TMBG...(I know, it's not the first time you hear this :) ) Which is a good thing, btw.

I really like the song (good chords, John Linnell would be proud of you too!!!) and its arrangement. Your kinda 'lazy' voice suits it well, but it's just a tiny bit too out of tune at times. (in the bridge for instance, 'Mis-ta-ake'). I also heard some timing issues. Like you're not completely secure about how you're going to sing it (at 1:00 for instance, 'with...out you'). This song should be asstight and I would love to hear louder sounds (preferably a slamming Dave Grohl, but I know that's beyond your capabilities :) ). Hey, have you ever heard of Self? ;)

My advice on the vocal bit: let it rest for a while. Listen to it a couple of times after that and then slam it on disc.

Hey, I can hear myself covering this...and I'm not kiddin' :D

Today I woke up with your tune in my head (you bastard :) )....but it was only slightly different from your version: it sounded very much like the end of a Prince concert!(yep, including the bootleg quality). It sounded so amazingly real in my head that I decided to capture it in a really fast recording (just a couple of rounds) to share it. And yes, I'm desperately trying to do a Prince impression on the guitar. With the applause added and some tweaking with the reverb it sounds pretty bootleg-esque :)

Here it is:

It's only 600Kb....
Hey cool tune. Very nice instrumentation, like the way the bass and guitars 'harmonize' in parts.

Dig the lifeless vocal style, that's a compliment! It fits the style perfectly.

I'd say this song is finished. Wouldn't change anything.
lovely! i'm so flattered to inspire such an interpretation. i'm still iffy about the vocals myself... it's not that i'm trying to be lazy, dry, or drunk (as i had one friend relate) – i just have difficulty controlling the pitch of my voice and keeping sufficient energy. i'm probably going to have another go at it sometime soon. i'm not going to trash the old vocals, i'd just like to try to get it better.