DECENTER - Taking Stock

Hey Gerry. Cool tune. I dig the style. Reminds me of some old Jawbreaker tune. Sort of. The overall vibe is there. I love that stuff.

The only thing i might personally do different is bring the drums up a little overall in the mix and let them drive the guitars. The guitars, although really well mixed and full sounding, Are dominating the track a bit more then they should, even for a guitar driven song.

The back up vocals are great i like that sound!
Hey Gerry. Cool tune. I dig the style. Reminds me of some old Jawbreaker tune. Sort of. The overall vibe is there. I love that stuff.

The only thing i might personally do different is bring the drums up a little overall in the mix and let them drive the guitars. The guitars, although really well mixed and full sounding, Are dominating the track a bit more then they should, even for a guitar driven song.

The back up vocals are great i like that sound!

Agreed, guitars are a bit high in the mix....
Yeah I would drop the guitars just a touch and then the vocals should come out a bit more. I can hear/understand them but I could use a bit more. The kick seems a little MIA or it's just sharing too much with the bass. Overall a great driving tune, love the vocal tone, and the crunchy guitars.
Sounds a little Like PAW from the late 90's - around Jessie.
The kick is missing and I'm not sure I'm too keen on the Bvox.
I like the vocal level as is or even a little lower.
Just a touch more definition on the bass'd be nice.
Otherwise not bad at all.
I was listening to Coheed and Cambria before I pulled up your song, and I've gotta say, this holds its own, man. Great sounding full guitars, and your drum kit sounds good, too (albeit a bit low in the mix, but not by much). What reverb are you putting on it? I like the dry-ish, but not too dry sound you've got going.

Sounds great, man.
Sounds a little Like PAW from the late 90's - around Jessie.
The kick is missing and I'm not sure I'm too keen on the Bvox.
I like the vocal level as is or even a little lower.
Just a touch more definition on the bass'd be nice.
Otherwise not bad at all.

Thanks Ray - Dude! I totally forgot about that band. Now I know what I'll be listening to today at work :listeningmusic: I think if I lower the guitars a tiny bit and bump up the kit a db or two may give it a little more definition as they other guys had mentioned. I'm going to try it out and upload another copy soon.

I was listening to Coheed and Cambria before I pulled up your song, and I've gotta say, this holds its own, man. Great sounding full guitars, and your drum kit sounds good, too (albeit a bit low in the mix, but not by much). What reverb are you putting on it? I like the dry-ish, but not too dry sound you've got going.

Sounds great, man.

Thanks man! I forgot the name, but I was listening to a recording podcast a while back and they had mentioned how great the Valhalla Room plugin was. So I checked it out (ValhallaDSP) and found it was both inexpensive and the best verb I've ever used. I swear by it now. It sounds natural, has a ton of setting options, mixes well. Definitely check it out if you haven't already.
I thought this sounded pretty good. Guitars sounded a little glassy to me. But that's a personal taste thing. I'm sure lots of people like the tone.

Snare has a little excess click or slap to it. Like a bit too much attack.

Other than that I thought it was good.
I like it. No real nits from me, I like the guitars where they are relative level wise... same with the voice. I'm on small headphones so can't tell much about the lowever end, however.

Rocks along very nicely indeed. :thumbs up::thumbs up: Two thumbs up from me.
