decent affordable pre amp?


New member
Hi there, i am after a decent cheap pre amp, maybe something with a valve, i want to get a warmer signal, can anyone reccomend anything, i am currently using a behringer ada8000, which is not bad but i am looking for a preamp that give off a more distinctive sound.

Can anyone give me a few names of some decent 2nd hand stuff?

I was also looking at a TUBE ULTRAGAIN T1953or a ART Tube MP Studio V3, i was planning to swap the tubes around with some better ones in each, i heard can make a big improvement.

Anyone got any ideas, i have about 200 maximum to spend or 100 each for 2 channels of preamp, thats english pounds


"Cheap" and "tube" in the same paragraph leads to "crap" in the next.

Almost every classic "warm" sounding preamp out there is solid state - API, Amek, Neve, etc. Cheap tube ("toob") preamps are marketing hype.

FMR's RNP - Grace Design's 101 - True's P-Solo - All three "budget friendly" *and* excellent sounding preamps (none of which use tubes). Yes, they're over your budget.

Rane's MS1b, M-Audio's DMP3 on the other hand...