death metal mic?


New member
Is there a mic out there that has been know to be good for low deathmetal vocals, Or has anybody had particular succsus recording vocals with a certaint mic.
yeah most common a 57, but a senn 421 will handle anything you throw at it. I would use them both when tracking some riffage.
sm7, re27, md421 would all be great choices. The last extreme metal project I did I used an RE27 right at mouth level and a cheap high-endy chinese condensor at throat level and sent the condensor to a Sansamp and cranked the distortion. Blend that in with the clear, punchy RE27 sound and we were golden.
If you don't mind changing mics for every show/session, I'd recommend a dead man's erect penis. ESPECIALLY for DEATH metal.
rory said:
If you don't mind changing mics for every show/session, I'd recommend a dead man's erect penis. ESPECIALLY for DEATH metal.

uhh il try to find one, although i know they arent stock at guitar center, maybe ebay?