Death metal drum bounce from Superior 2.0.. looking for comments


New member
Hey there,

Just finished up my first drum track in Superior 2.0, going to start tracking the rest of the instruments next week, and I'd love comments/criticisms/anything else regarding the sound of the drums. It's going to be a death/technical metal song so obviously the kick is intended to sound as processed as it does, but I'd appreciate any advice on the overall levels, pan, sounds of individual stuff, etc. I'm very much still learning all this!

Everything was written in MIDI in Guitar Pro, then exported into Superior 2.0 and processed, mixed, etc.

The track's hosted here on SoundClick..

Anything good or bad welcome, as long as it's constructive :)

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not to mention one that i have to actually download the track as opposed to just streaming.

soundclick works well for this
5 times ive tried d/l it ...

"Sorry, there are currently no free download slots available on this server.

Please try again later, or you can upgrade to FileFactory Premium for instant access."

ill try again later .......
Sounds robotic man, need to play around with the velocities, you aint gona fool anyone with this. another tip would be: dont qauantatize, just free hand the hits, it'll sound alot better.
okay cool, i'll take a look at the velocities of the cymbals and maybe the toms, but the kick is pretty much supposed to sound robotic really :)

and as for the quantising, i write it as midi, it's not played live at all. i guess i could hook up a midi controller and play the cymbals live with keypresses, do you think that would give a bit of a better sense of realism?

i was toying with the idea of triggering the hardware then setting up a live arrangement of cymbals.. maybe.

though, i'm getting an electric kit at christmas so i might hold off and record the cymbals through that for a slightly better sense of realism.

how about any comments on the EQing/compression/stereo image/relative levels, that kinda thing? does anything sound bad, does anything sound too high or low or out of place?

cheers for the comments man
obviously its not played live, but when you program everything with the snap to grid thing on, its all even and to agrid, thats what makes the drums sound robotic. Humans will never hit a drum same twice. and equally in time.

Hard to comment ona a mix of robotic sounding drums with no other music around it.
Probably with guitars, bass and vox could work. The mayority death metal, hardcore and pussy emo shit today is made with unrealistic sounding drums. Just try and see how it goes.
well, the thing is, i write the drums in musical notation so there's no snap to grid, it's written as music not as me dragging beats about. i think what i'll do is slightly displace things here and there.

and yeah i'm having a bit of trouble with the guitars. using peavey revalver and i just can't get them how i want them, so it's taking a while.
I think it is a great beat and sound.....for industrial. Not for death metal. The china sound is kind of overkill. Also, in the beat in the beginning, I would take the kick beat out where there are snare hits. Most drummers don't play like that on a regular basis. Play with velocities and volumes to make it feel more human. Unless you are going for a robotic feel. It reminded me of old Circle of Dust....which I love. But most people didn't love them.
I've not heard of them, I'll admit :)

I've been doing some velocity tweaking, just using the automatic adjustment in Pro Tools, it's sounding much more human.

Thunder, do you think the problem with the china is in my EQ'ing, or is it just the wrong cymbal for the job there?

I'll take your advice with the kick on snare hits thing too. Thanks!
I've not heard of them, I'll admit :)

I've been doing some velocity tweaking, just using the automatic adjustment in Pro Tools, it's sounding much more human.

Thunder, do you think the problem with the china is in my EQ'ing, or is it just the wrong cymbal for the job there?

I'll take your advice with the kick on snare hits thing too. Thanks!

I think that the china just becomes overbearing as a riding beat. In my opinion, the china is a special effect accent...not a cymbal to ride on. A loosely closed high hat would probably sound a lot sweeter in there.
I'll give that a go, but clearly you've not been listening to a lot of modern metalcore. Chinas a-plenty ;) but cheers for the advice, I'll have a play. There's a really nice stacked china and crash in Superior 2.0 that I think's called a Spock, sounds cool.
I'll give that a go, but clearly you've not been listening to a lot of modern metalcore. Chinas a-plenty ;) but cheers for the advice, I'll have a play. There's a really nice stacked china and crash in Superior 2.0 that I think's called a Spock, sounds cool.

Oh, I listen to it. And the chinas drive me crazy. They always have. I am not going to tell a guy what to put in his recording, but I know what muddies mixes....and they do that! LOL.
BTW. I have no idea what people like about china cymbals. To me they sound like ass. I have a no name cheapo crash that has a 4 inch crack... sounds like a china :D