Deals in Dreamland!

Don't forget to report the seller. All it takes is a few complaints to get eBay's attention. ;)

But precisely, how? Ive clicked on the "report" button, but it only allows a choice of pulldown infractions. Unfortunately I didnt see "Bloviating, overpriced Jackass" or maybe I missed it? LOL
So guess I shouldn't sell my 58 Les Paul for one?:facepalm:...I really wonder if there is a miss cue in price, if not WOW there is one born every ebay min
But precisely, how? Ive clicked on the "report" button, but it only allows a choice of pulldown infractions. Unfortunately I didnt see "Bloviating, overpriced Jackass" or maybe I missed it? LOL

LOL yeah they need to add that as an option. :D


Listing Practices> No Item Listings and Inappropriate Comments> Other No Item Listings

Seriously it doesn't matter how you report it as long as enough people do to get eBay's attention. ;)
We opened up for the Hörnswogglers at the Electric Banana in Greenwich Village back in '72. Spinal Tap played there the next night.:D:drunk:

(There probably really is a band called the Bloviators. If there isn't there should be.)
I do actually think it's a joke. Otherwise, the guy's got a good sense of humor about it. I sent him a message thanking him for a good laugh, and he wrote back and told me I was welcome and that he was glad I liked it.