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I am using a tascam mk4 tape recorder. Can someone recomend a good de-magnetizer unit for it and a price range? :confused:
:D Yo Renaldo:

You can get a cassette demag. Not very expensive and they work fine. Some folks will say that the wrong type of cassette demagr can scratch your tape heads; however, I have two of them and have never had a problem the years I used only tape.

So, for a few bucks, you can pick up a Memorex X-CD Cassette Head Cleaner/Demagnetizer.

Here's what it says it will do and it does:

Demagnetizes heads to restore fidelity
Effect NON-ABRASIVE head cleaning
Designed for all cassette equipment
Cordless, no power required.

Just put the cassette in and hit "play." [Turn off the speakers]

You rewind the cassette first, hit play, takes about 33 seconds or so, and when it stops, DO NOT REWIND. Wait until you use it again before you rewind.

Happy Spring Cleaning
Green Hornet :cool: