dbx Pro Vocal / 376


New member
I'm considering purchasing one of these two units as a cheaper, more immediate alternative to an ART Pro MPA/Pro VLA combination.
Can anybody give me some personal insight into the good, the bad, and the ugly regarding these dbx units?
I answered my own question in case someone who viewed it and didn't know the answer was as interested in finding out as I was. It is a little odd, I grant (chessrock) you. But I didn't know the answer when I posted the question.
Plus, I get anxious when my questions go un-answered. Is that odd, too?
Sibleypeck is one our new special friends and I would like everyone to give him a warm welcome. He may seem a little different but we all need to learn to appreciate the little things that make all of us unique.

Please dont offer him rides home because he has his own special bus and the bus driver knows where he lives. If he isnt on the bus his parents will be very worried.