DBX 386 SPDIF problems


New member
I bought a used DBX 386 yesterday, and everything seemed to be working. But i got a spdif cable today and i'm not getting any digital out on the unit.

My first thought would be the cable, but at over $20 each, i first want to check other solutions.

Setup is DBX spdif out going into Saffire LE spdif in. The center of the dbx has all the digital connection setting buttons like "dither" word length" etc, but none of these are even lighting up... So it could be a problem with the entire digital stage. Since its used I don't know if jumper setting have been changed. If its a bad cable, i don't know if the dbx would just not register anything. The documentation has nothing about that.

Any ideas?
Do you have the Saffire slaved to the DBX or the other way around? If you want output from the saffire, I nthink it needs to be running on its own word clock. Also, the bit depth and resolution have to be set in synch on both units.-Richie
Since the DBX is a preamp, it doesn't have SPDIF input, just output. But it does have Word Clock input and output. The first thing I would try is feeding the DBX a word clock input to see if it slaves properly to that. Otherwise, the DBX will be the master by necessity and you'll have to slave your sound card to it.