dbx 166a question/manual beg


New member
Just got a used one for $50. Thought great deal. Didn't realize there's no attack and release controls on this baby. So in a way my 266XL (supposedly a piece of trash) still does more for me when compressing kick and snare to dial in punch. What is the 166a designed for without these controls?

i had a 166a and found it better than the 266 !
its an easy to use compressor and i mostly used it on toms,
i sold it couse my 166xl sounded better and does have that attack and decay knobs, but i wouldn't really worry about those two buttons, even if you want to make the compressor PUMP it won't really PUMP,
and man, $50 !!! thats a good price

if you want a killer comp for kick and snare, go for a (vintage) dbx 163x,
MY TOTAL FAVORITE ! i got two and i want two more !
i even use them on vocals when i do a live PA, supereasy to use and they got a fat punchy pumping sound, i like it, maybe not superclean but i totally like them and you should be able to get one for around $40-$60

if you don't like the compressor, just sell it to me for the same price :D
Thanks earworm. I've seen some of your previous posts and know you're kind of a dbx guy like me. Even though I know a lot of people in this forum aren't into them. I just can't get into the RNC yet. I have one just sitting. I guess some day I'll learn to like invisible compression. What I would love is people to add what they know about the different dbx compressors. Here's what I know from personal experience/have heard:

dbx 117,118,119,128: little-known early models. supposed to be good eBay steals though people are catching on. RCA connectors and lack of controls, but supposed to have that classic early dbx sound for cheap.

160/165: considered "the shit" among dbx fans. anyone more info?

dbx 160a: early mono compressor. well-liked classic.

166: early stereo version of 160. I have 2. they're cool. have overeasy, peakstop, but no attack or release.

166a: just got one. supposed to be higher end, but has no attack/release controls--just a "slow" button, overeasy button and contour (?) button.

166xl: ??

266xl: have one. derided here, but have attack/release controls, overeasy and "auto" options for attack/release. works for me, but not the highest end dbx.

1066: supposed to be one of the best of the "new" dbx stuff.
I have to 163X and I would never part with them. As easy to use as any piece of gear I own, it's very hard not to get the right compression