dax error, nuendo?


New member
I keep getting this box that pops up in nuendo saying "dax error out of memory."
i couldnt find anything in the manual about it and i was wondering meant ram memory or hard drive.
If its ram, the only thing i can think of that is different since ive been getting this message is that ive been using drumagog, which i guess would take up more ram if i use it as in insert on few tracks.

anyways any advice would be greatly appreciated,
It is drumagog that is doing this to you. Nobaody knows what it means, but it will be fixed in version 4.
I've found that it happens after loading and unloading a few songs in a row. It is as if nuendo doesn't unload the samples when you unload the song and eventually you run out of memory.
The way to avoid it is get out of nuendo every couple of tunes.