DAWs for internet?


New member
I've been doing lot of research and I'm thinking about building a DAW since it seems like a great investment and would be a lot better for recording than my laptop. Question is to anybody that has a custom built DAW. DO you use it for recording and internet? Just the whole virus and spyware thing kinda scares me and it'd suck to be recording some great song and then have some crazy virus rip your computer thought.
do a search in this forum about it, there's been a couple really big threads on that recently.

but in short, some of us do it - seems like most of us don't. i do it, haven't ran into virus problems. just don't download sketchy stuff, and keep those virus definitions up to date! ha
UB802 said:
I don't run any anti-virus or spyware protection stuff at all. I have never gotten a virus or worm doing internet on my DAW.

How would you know, if you're not running AV?

You could have a trojan quietly logging your banks account passwords, credit card numbers etc and sending them to Boris in Vladivostok.

What I do, and recommend, is use an old cheapo PC as your internet server/email gateway/firewall, and have your DAW networked safely in behind it. I have seen many trojans on my internet gateway, but not one on my DAW
Running for years with all on one pc. Need some discipline to keep everything up to date. Using the least of MS as possible is the way to go: no IE, no Outlook at least.
It's possible to have multiple hardware profiles in Windows across several different user accounts.

Friends of mine have an account for games, the internet and other non-essential stuff; and another account for DAW work. On this second account the ethernet card is disabled.

I don't run any AV software in the background, but I do have a scheduled scan (Grisoft AVG free edition) run every week. It's only ever found one virus in nearly six years - but I guess it's worth doing.

As others have said - Firefox is great and much more secure than IE.
I can also recommend Mozilla Thunderbird as an email client.

I highly recommend getting a modem/router with a hardware firewall - that can save some hassle dealing with firewall software.

Just don't install crap on your machine - be smart and you'll be fine!
UB802 said:
Sorry. I do run a scan once a year or so. Or, if the computer acts funny for whatever reason. It has never found anything.

About hardware profiles. I have tried those, and in the end, found them to be a waste of time. If you have hardware that is newer that a couple years old, and you bought quality stuff, the drivers should have no problems playing together. A network card shouldn't be a problem, as I stated earlier, I know guys that do tracking/mixing on their DAW's while chatting!

I wasn't advocating hardware and user profiles for compatibility reasons - more in order to consume less system resources and make the machine more secure while doing DAW work.

It's not something I do myself - but some friends of mine swear by it.
UB802 said:
Sorry. I do run a scan once a year or so. Or, if the computer acts funny for whatever reason. It has never found anything.

Do you ever run a spyware program like adaware or spybot?

What your saying is all common sense, but I don't think its good practice. Shit happens, you know?
I run a Mac, and it's my DAW and personal use computer. No viruses/spyware to worry about so it's fine.
No, only a spare boot for recovery. Could be replaced by a cdrom, but then you have to find it.
reshp1 said:
Does anyone run a separate boot for their internet surfing stuff, and one for DAW apps?

Yes, this is a common approach for having two environments, one optimized for audio. What it doesn't do is protect either environment. For a dual purpose DAW, I prefer swapping removable drives. Drive caddies are cheap.
