DAW update! (#3) Continued from where we left off..


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Continued from where we left off..

Ok, for those that have been keeping up, or contributing. Several more motherboards have been brought to my attention.
Here are some motherboards to check out.
BTW, this is a generic (is that a good word) side by side compairson. I hope you understand..

P4 2.4c Northwood Processor (stock, or overclocked up to 3.3ghz)($165.00)

Now the Motherboards:

Abit IC7-G Max2 ($133.99)
875 chipset

Pros: About the same price as the lesser P4P800(865 chipset).
CSA-connected Intel Gigabit Ethernet LAN port
CSA does not use the PCI bus for Internet connections, this gives me more PCI space. More PCI space is better for audio processing.


Abit IC7-Max3 ($189.99)
875 chipset

Pros: Newer than the Max2, also slightly better performance.
CSA-connected Intel Gigabit Ethernet LAN port
CSA does not use the PCI bus for Internet connections, this gives me more PCI space. More PCI space is better for audio processing.

Cons: In comparison to the Max2 the step up in performance may not be worth the extra $50.00+

Asus P4C800 E ($182.99)
875 chipset

Pros:CSA-connected Intel Gigabit Ethernet LAN port
CSA does not use the PCI bus for Internet connections, this gives me more PCI space. More PCI space is better for audio processing.

Cons: Again, in comparison to the Max2 the step up in performance may not be worth the extra $50.00

Asus P4C800 Deluxe ($172.99)
875 chipset


Cons: Asus uses Giga Lan. Lan uses PCI space which is not good for audio processing.
Costs $40.00 more, and no real improvment over the below mentioned P4P800

Asus P4P800 Deluxe ($129.99)
865 chipset

Pros: cheaper than the P4C800, and can perform just as well.

Cons: Asus uses Giga Lan. Lan uses PCI space which is not good for audio processing.

If I am wrong about any of the above please correct me!

As of now the Abit IC7-G Max2 seems to be the way to go,where price, performance, and stability are concerned. Would anyone care to add more, or dispute this?

BTW, the Abit boards come with more/better assesories(cables, etc.).

Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Looking back........I know, I know :(
This post is lacking a lot of info. Put it this way, I think these motherboards match up well against one another except for the above mentioned "Pros, Cons, and Costs"... awww forget it, Im tired. Sorry guys, I tried...

That's actually a pretty good list of pros and cons for the various boards. You seem to be on a budget (aren't we all?), so my preference would be the IC7-G Max2. If you were some kind of uber-overclocker looking for the best of the best, I'd say the Max3. But for your application I'm really not convinced that the extra $50 is worth it.

The Asus boards are all nice (I've built at least one system using all of the mentioned boards), but they seem to be a tad overpriced compared to the Abit stuff for some reason.
Yeh if it's between the IC7-G Max2 and the P4P800, you'd have to go with the Abit.

The Asus board has their WiFi wireless LAN thingy on it which I could use, other than that, the i865 will always give way to the i875chipset.