Data Storage??


New member
Im looking looking for a more efficient/ more reliable data storage meathod than hard drive...

Id like to be able to backup an entire project on one medium (that is relatively inexpencive) and be able to give it to the client.

I've heard DDS4 or DDS3 is good... can someone with some experience with these give me some pro's and cons...

Are there any other good options?
I'm not familliar with those. DVD Ram is getting pretty popular for studios. It allows anywhere from 5-9gigs of backup on a $20 cartridge.
I use a DDS system. The media isn't real cheap. but it's better than backing up to 30 or 40 CD's. DAT tape in general is not a medium that I would completely trust for robust long term archiving. At the very least, I would make two copies and store them in seperate locations.
I would seriously consider regular DVD-R (or DVD+R). This is much more universal, and can be read in any regular PC or Mac DVD drive. You can only do 4.6GB per disc - but they're very common, and only a couple bucks each. Believe me, trying to find a working tape drive (for whatever old format) a couple years down the road - is REALLY difficult. You can always send it to a data transfer service if that happens, but it is beaucoup bucks to do this.

The most common, standard media should a major consideration/requirement in your decision process.

I think there may soon be a way to backup to Mini DV (video camera) cassettes via Firewire and any old camera... now that would be cool.
