Data Dumping to Computer


New member
I want to use my MS2000B's programs on my Cubasis software. I know how to send it, but I have no clue as to how to receive it or use it on my computer. So its a pretty simple question: how do i do it?

thanks in advance
You don't need to do any 'dumping' to use the MS2000B with Cubasis. You just need to hook up a midi cord from the midi out of your computer interface to the midi in of the MS2000B, set the track to match the channel in the global page of the MS2000B and play it from your favorite keyboard.

If you don't have either a midi interface or a keyboard yet you will need to buy those...
What you are transmitting from MS2000B is Sysex (System Exclusive) data. In order to recieve it you need Sysex Recorder/Management software, or another MS2000B to recieve it. That data is exactly as its name suggests, exclusive data to be used soley within a MS2000B (And often similar hardware such as its keyboard equipped version). You would want to transmit that data to a computer mainly for backup reasons only (i.e. Create a bunch a "Killer" programs, store them on the computer, than start all new ones. You could then save those, go back and retrieve the first set you saved, by setting the MS2000B to recieve). You could also transmit programs to another MS2000B, and double your available live programs or Polyphony.