dark pop song for your critque! eat up!

Your actiivty on the forums seems limited to posting your songs and thanking people, eventually, for comments & critiques.
I think you ought to participate at different levels if you want to get more & more frequqnt responses.
One can only take for so long before the cake is gone after all.
I thought it sounded OK. It's missing a bit of sparkle - not enough high end. Or at least the guitars make it sound that way. I liked the stuff you did with the double tracked vocal. I liked the distorted guitar sound near the end.

A little tempo issue around :13 or so (very slight).

Needs some harmony vocal or some other part some where. Just too much of the same thing throughout the song.
Oh and yeah this site functions because people give advice in addition to receiving it. Opinions need to flow both ways.
Yeah, very nice. Maybe some rethinking of the balances. Less bass, and guitar, and more vocal and drums. Just what I'm thinking as I listen. I like the tune very much. I'd also like to hear the guitars back some. They sound out in front of the vocals. Front to back. Either more verb or playing with a low pass filter would help here. Also, if this was at my desk, I would buss the two guitars to a stereo aux and apply a comp to them to blend the dynamics.
Your actiivty on the forums seems limited to posting your songs and thanking people, eventually, for comments & critiques.
I think you ought to participate at different levels if you want to get more & more frequqnt responses.
One can only take for so long before the cake is gone after all.

I do respectfully agree with you. And thank you for respectfully stating your opinion. Tho i do believe that i listen to enough on the site, i dont really feel "accomplished" enough to give advice beyond "i like this or that" or "that bridge is out of place" type stuff. I do understand your opinion. but i hate doing things just because..... In that scenario, it only turns to patting each other on the back just because. And im not into fake.
As you may know, my music tastes are specific, and in such regard, what can i say? given my newness to mixing.
Get the bass under control as it's rumbling across everything - try the Motown trick - cut 5db at 100, add 4 at 200.
The bass also seems to get a little out of rhytm in some spots.
Guitars sound good- could use a little attack.
Vocals are good - the close mic'd ending works.
Drums sound anonymous - I knew they were there but they didn't seem to BE.
In terms of the forum and offering what you ask for: if you don't get it already then it's probably too late.
Your sophistry probably works for you. That's what it's used for...
I can't determine your musical tatses by the songs you post - if I tried to do so I'd probably suspect generic indie with a little Smashing Pumpkins added angst.
Back patting doesn't have to be fake. You don't have to back pat, be patronising or paternalistic.
You can listen & say you liked the bass, thought it was too loud, wondered how the amp was mic'd, recommend the way you achieved a guitar sound etc.
Seriously, participation is the key to forums - otherwise it ends up, (like it has a few times in the last year or so), being a place where people drips drop & take or ratchet up their click counters.
Developing a presence so that people have a sense of who & what you are and will want to listen to your stuff because you've been helpful, honest, bothered, is also a good way to ensure more folk regularly check your posts.
"but i hate doing things just because..." One doesn't need to have read Jung to divine the truth in this phrase.
You could interpret that as doing a little social engineering to serve your ultimate purpose, (World Domination!!), if you like. Or, simply giving a little back.
Agreed, I'm a complete noob, but I can still say whether something works or not or if the vocal's too quiet or something. Also, even if you just say you like someone's stuff or something they did, you'll find them more amenable to help you when you need it, as I have found in the past - people on here have a lot of time for helping one another and a lot of them are bona fide professionals. I got some great, detailed advice (including screenshots) on recording acoustic guitar from an actual real professional here. All that's necessary is to build a relationship with the community - there's nothing fake about that.

And there are other ways you can participate. I know a bit about computers, so I help people in that arena as much as I can. You might be a good songwriter, so you could help out in that forum, or be a great guitarist or know loads about guitar gear, so can help there. There are lots of other areas where you can help out.

As for your recording, I'm afraid I'm on my iPad just now, but I promise to give it a listen when I can :facepalm:.
Agreed, I'm a complete noob, but I can still say whether something works or not or if the vocal's too quiet or something. Also, even if you just say you like someone's stuff or something they did, you'll find them more amenable to help you when you need it, as I have found in the past - people on here have a lot of time for helping one another and a lot of them are bona fide professionals. I got some great, detailed advice (including screenshots) on recording acoustic guitar from an actual real professional here. All that's necessary is to build a relationship with the community - there's nothing fake about that.

And there are other ways you can participate. I know a bit about computers, so I help people in that arena as much as I can. You might be a good songwriter, so you could help out in that forum, or be a great guitarist or know loads about guitar gear, so can help there. There are lots of other areas where you can help out.

As for your recording, I'm afraid I'm on my iPad just now, but I promise to give it a listen when I can :facepalm:.

thanks man, that is just the attitude that i needed!! what a beautiful olive branch. It is people like you , in your structurally, respectful honesty, along with some others, that gives me pride in humankind. I do believe we are all looking for the same thing here. Tho i previously didnt think it was here. My appologies.
Just had a listen. It's a nice sounding song, but I can't make out the lyrics. You need to bring up the vocal more, IMHO. Agree with the above comments, there definitely needs to be more going on to keep it interesting (maybe some backing vocals, guitar licks, synths, etc.). I liked the double tracked chorus part, but as TripleM says, just repeating that isn't enough - it's begging for some extra bits.