Danzig cover

great mix....sad to say i dont know the song but this kicks ass...
that is a great vocal effect...kinda crispy when it kicks in the chorus....but that may be what you were goin for...it doesnt sound bad...man this is really good..the chorus seems to clip a bit too...but im on shitty comp speakers ....might be me...

cool very actually..
nice...and kinda similar to your other song...rotating back between the two chords with a good solid crunch going. same comments as on the other song. The drums are a little undefined on this version.
Thanks all. Vocals were Oktava 319 with the spit screen about 1/2" away with the singer's lips almost touching it. Tracked with compression and more added to it in mix. Verses were single track, chorus was 5 panned out for spread.
wow, great sound, awesome synths - dont know the original but this is full of presence and bite. Drums are a little thin for me, but otherwise... wow.
Diggin it!! love the mean vox!!!!! maybe the git's are to treble'y sounding, more ass, ya know?? because, i don't:rolleyes: the wall of git thing......missing. damn, i need to quit trying to give advice!!!!:confused: :mad: :D Cool version, man!! KIcked right along!!

Thank's man!



Well you did a hell of a job putting your own "stamp" on it. Part of it sounds like trent reznor and that guy from stabbing westward. In the chorus, it just overflows with a nothingface or KMFDM feel. With all that being said I dont hear danzig in there at all. That is GREAT! Nice job on the song.

Not that I dont like Danzig, I love good old Glen. I was just wondering how you was going to pull off danzig's "super elvis" sound. Well you went a differant direction, A nice one.
Great sounding vocals!

Did u use any EQ on them, or just compression? What pre-amp and compressor did u use? Compression settings?


-Mr. Moon