damn floyd....

happy hour

New member
I got a guitar with a floyd and i love it, ive got it under control and everything, i was just wondering if there is any product out there that will let me get a little more sustain out of it.

I thought i remembered hearing about replacement saddles that help, but i can't remember too much about em... any other ideas?

Titanium saddles with a dinosaur fossil nut rate marginally ahead of the conventional wisdom mastodon nut in terms of unbelievable sustain.Your mileage may vary.
I'm not qualified to offer this advice, so I'll prompt someone else by reminding them of the Zippo lighter thingey. Something about it being brass, and fitting into the tremolo just right to do something or rather...

I really am this dumb.

Three suggestions:

Turn up the gain on the amp, this is what kept everyone in the 80s from noticing the sustain had disappeared. Besides if one is playing 1/64th notes (as one ususally does on a Floyd equipped axe), what do you need sustain for?

I haven't tried one, but those "fat finger" things clain to enhance sustain. I think they're like 20 bucks, and I would expect it could be returned it it didn't work.

Boss compressor. (or any compressor)