damm...My funds!


New member
I've got the prices in equipment canadian and all i got enough for is the delta 1010 and event 20/20 bas monitors...that comes to 2500 canadian, remarkable!!! So I'm feeling like a jackass for getting myself excited about the things I can't afford...

and that's at 600$ for delta1010 and 700$ for events in US dollars!

If anyone has found a used delta 1010 or event 20/20 bas monitors Please let me know...I'm really set on getting these and a keyboard, if you've found a good one used. The reason I ran in to this problem is I didn't think products that I could order from canada would still be double the price... I guess I can just try to haggle with some stores, errgg!!!!

I really wanted to get a keyboard also...one about the range of 500, was thinking mayby a JV-1080 and keyboard controller...
Do I need a sound modular to make sounds with a midi keyboard???

Do any of you think it's NOT a good idea to get certain items used, like monitors? ...thanks.
PRiZ said:
Do any of you think it's NOT a good idea to get certain items used, like monitors? ...thanks.

Well.............................I'd stay away from used condoms.
yo priz,

I've got a brand new roland mc-303 groovebox that i'll sell to you for $230. A friend and I did a trade, and while the mc303 looks and sounds great, and IS great for making hiphop/dance beats, I don't have an idea what to do with it. Its three months old, and everything is still there. Cost $400 three months ago. If you are interested, let me know.

The jv1010 is a great sound module, if you don't mind about the fact that you can't edit it from the module itself. I would buy a jv1010 AND a korg ns5r instead of the 1080. The 1010 gives you all the sounds of the 1080, and the ns5r throws in about 1400 more dance oriented sounds for about $200-250 more.

The mc-303 groovebox looks kinda cool, but it doesn't seem like the route I had in mind, right now I'm just trying to make sure I get everything I think I NEED... thanks for the offer, I think the keyboard I end up with will do good enuff for sounds...everything else I'll just sample from random rare cd's I find or get them off the computer... thanks for the offer, i don't know about mc-303 groovebox, JV 1010 etc, but I'd really prefer good quality sounds over lots of sounds to choose from, but I don't know what the quality of these sounds are anyway.
Is'nt there one keyboard (soundmodule, etc) that will do it all for me, the delta 1010 only has 1 midi I/O, I don't want to buy a dedicated midi interface right now... Also I really just wanted a keyboard to use the keys instead of a mouse for parts in primarily software based music... through midi or something, but still not be limited with creating my own sounds and having infinite choices.

I'll save the other qusetions for the keyboard section...

I'm very disatisfied with ebay, I've decided to buy ALL my equipment used and almost 90 percent of ebay wont sell to canada, even if I offer to pay the charges from shipping. Either their all really lazy or they have some sort of grudge, because it's just not right. I think I'll be getting the delta 1010 off someone in canada, for 700$ canadian, which is good to me...I'm having a hard time finding the "event 20/20 bas monitors" used, If anyone reads this and knows, please help me out...

Do you know any sites like ebay that are more canadian oriented, or atleast have people that are willing to sell to canada...??????
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I would look keep trying on ebay....if you email a seller a day or so in advance of the auction close and just tell them that you want to bid on the item but you live in Canada and will pay the extra shipping and everything I think most people would be OK with that. Or, if you know somebody in the US (that you trust) you can have things sent to them and have them send it on to Canada. I'd say the $$$ you save would easily be worth the hassle. BTW, I found some Events, doesn't look like they are the biamp model though:

RE: a cheap keyboard, one thing you might check out (don't laugh) are some of the Yamaha & Casio personal keyboards. The higher end one's all have MIDI ports and some of them sound decent for very little money. And they are widely distributed too so they are easy to find - even in Canada I imagine. I bought a Yamaha PSR keyboard a few years ago just to play around with, I have since used it for MIDI drum sounds and it has been surprisingly useful.

I found the event monitors on ebay just today :)

I'm wondering how to do a safe transaction between me and another guy, canada to canada, delta 1010 to cash etc...We both trust each other, but I'd never be able to forget myself if I got screwed... what should i do, will escrow work or ebay, I just want to purchase it off him, and that's all, but I wont to secure a safe trnsaction that guarantees me the product and him the money etc... I've never done this before, what's the quickest easiest way, that costs the least...??????????????????????

Dolemite, that's exactly what I did and the guy just canceled my bid and was rude about it, but I'm sure there not all like that...
