d-beat drop-c crust attack trax


New member
sorry for the obnoxious title. couldn't contain myself.

i'm nearing a finished mix of this crazy crust band i recorded a couple of weeks ago.. i was hoping some of ya'll could lend your wonderful ears to my
efforts and send a few words of constructive criticism my way..

the four mixed tracks can be heard at


they're the first four songs on the page .. "Resonance", "Looming"
"Thus Always to Tyrants", and "Become Fire"

a few notes on the production:
drums - 421s on the toms, beyer m88 on kick, m201 on snare, c451 and sm81
over the cymbals..
i dual mic'd the guitarist's 4x12 with a 57 right up against one speaker
and a 421 an inch or two back from another, then we overdubbed another
two tracks with the same setup
there are two tracks of bass - one mic'd and one direct through a podXT..
the mic'd track was tweaked using the ampeg svx plugin in sonar and the
pod track is distorted to all hell.. mostly just added it in for some grindy
vox are into the beyer m88

all tracked into sonar via MOTU 896 in my fairly bass absorbant one car
garage "studio"..

we're going for a really grindy chaotic buzzsaw sound with this one..
the bass is supposed to be pretty much all low end boom, and the guitars
are sort of the dominant sonic texture.. i tried to get a distinct kick and
snare sound, since those are really critical in stuff like this; toms are just
kind of low end thunder and the cymbals are crazy mush, i guess.

thanks up front for any critique yall can provide.. i really appreciate the
feedback.. feel free to tear into me!

take care in the meantime
Ahaaa Now I know where your hippie stuff comes from. :D

vox are into the beyer m88

I'm not sure you want to use that for vocals. 88 could be interpreted as the acronim for Heil Hitler.

Seriously thou. I;m not a fan of the genre, but everything seems where it should be in the mix. I'm no expert but i don't like the effect on the vocals if you used one. Other than that its pretty non lisenable - Crust fans will go crazy :D :D :D

thanks for the feedback, polska..

from now on, i'll refer to my m88 as the "beyer championed by phil collins",
just to avoid confusion..

the distortion on the vox is a bit much, no? the singer of the band
specifically requested that effect, and i've never used it before..
maybe i'll try to tone it down a bit for the final mix...

ill choose to take unlistenable as a compliment given the genre..!
Seriously though, that shit is pretty awful.

On my setup, as far as I can tell, the drums sound pretty weak. If you're going for a big drum sound, I think you missed the mark. The drums sounds distant and thin. Neither the kick or snare really punch through. The toms sound okay, but they're a little sort of flat and flabby. The guitars sound pretty good though for a bunch of noise. I'm not really hearing much bass prescence either, but its really hard to give usable feedback when the songs themselves are so bad. Sorry man. :(
greg -
thanks for the criticism..
i think "bad" is a relative term here.. i'm gonna assume you're not a big fan of the genre... anyhow, as far as i know these folks are pretty well liked in their scene (i'm not in the band), and they're definitely going for a really crazy washy wall of noise sound..

honestly, i'm mostly concerned with the snare coming through, mostly cos that's what sort of carries the drum beat.. it's hard to get a punchy kick on stuff like this because the drummer doesn't hit the bass drum very hard when he's playing so fast... he requested that the drums be brought down fairly low in the mix, which may explain the "weak" sound you're hearing.. as far as the toms, i've had trouble getting them as tight as i'd like.. they're pretty big and boomy, but they resonate too much between hits.. this may be an issue of drum tuning? i might get better results if we muffle the toms with tape or something.

a lot of the bands i record sort of just plug in and play on whatever equpiment they've got handy, which often equals old beat up heads and guitars that are in and out of tune .. this band had pretty nice shit, but they were having trouble keeping the guitar in tune because of the low tuning and some improperly gauged strings.

anyhow, i'll keep working on it and post an update at some point
It's not tight enough. I wont comment on the music because I have no point of reference, but the band itself could be more effective if the whole thing was tighter.
rasdestroyer said:
greg -
thanks for the criticism..
i think "bad" is a relative term here.. i'm gonna assume you're not a big fan of the genre... anyhow, as far as i know these folks are pretty well liked in their scene (i'm not in the band), and they're definitely going for a really crazy washy wall of noise sound..

honestly, i'm mostly concerned with the snare coming through, mostly cos that's what sort of carries the drum beat.. it's hard to get a punchy kick on stuff like this because the drummer doesn't hit the bass drum very hard when he's playing so fast... he requested that the drums be brought down fairly low in the mix, which may explain the "weak" sound you're hearing.. as far as the toms, i've had trouble getting them as tight as i'd like.. they're pretty big and boomy, but they resonate too much between hits.. this may be an issue of drum tuning? i might get better results if we muffle the toms with tape or something.

a lot of the bands i record sort of just plug in and play on whatever equpiment they've got handy, which often equals old beat up heads and guitars that are in and out of tune .. this band had pretty nice shit, but they were having trouble keeping the guitar in tune because of the low tuning and some improperly gauged strings.

anyhow, i'll keep working on it and post an update at some point
If you mic'd the toms individually, you can put a gate on them. I don't muffle my toms because I like them big and boomy, but they do ring a little when they're not being hit. So, I just gate the tom tracks. Problem solved.