CWHS2K4: triggering audio samples


New member
I sampled a friend's drum kit and I want to trigger those sounds with some kind of drum map/ MIDI sequencer/ beat grid. Drum map manager looks like it is meant to switch around MIDI sounds and not wav files. How do I stick wav files on a grid with Cakewalk Home Studio 2004?
You cannot without purchasing some kind of softsynth that can trigger WAV files. SHS4XL comes with RXP which triggers .rx2 files.
Chill said:
I sampled a friend's drum kit and I want to trigger those sounds with some kind of drum map/ MIDI sequencer/ beat grid. Drum map manager looks like it is meant to switch around MIDI sounds and not wav files. How do I stick wav files on a grid with Cakewalk Home Studio 2004?

Bah, bad advice!
You CAN do it, yes. See the thread titled "sorry if this is stupid" or something like that, in this forum if you want to know how to do it. I do it often and detailed the basic method of doing it. You'll have to fiddle with it to figure it out, and to keep from gettin too many false triggers, but once you get it down to a science its great.
tubedude from the other thread said:
Say for instance that you have a kick track you don't like the sound of... start by bringing the track view up, and move the kick track to the very top row, you'll understand why later on. Highlight the track and go to process > audio > extract timing Mess with the parameters until you get an X on every initial kick transient and not in places where something bled through or on the 2nd part of the kick transient. Save it when its right, and open a midi track. Paste your new midi file in the new midi track, and set up whatever you use for drum triggering (dr-008, Battery, whatever) and pow. Perfect. It works quite well, and its great for replacing a crap kit with crappy old heads on it. This feature combined with DR-008 and Drumkit From Hell is fast, easy, mostly flawless, works great and when properly used, invisible. I use it all the time to replace kicks and to add a little snap to the snare track. If you dont overdo it, the results can be incredible.

That looks like a set of instructions for taking a drum loop and converting the timing of those hits into sounds which are already in the MIDI app. True?

I am trying to do the opposite: I have wav files I'd like to trigger with CWHS's MIDI functions.
Chill said:
That looks like a set of instructions for taking a drum loop and converting the timing of those hits into sounds which are already in the MIDI app. True?

I am trying to do the opposite: I have wav files I'd like to trigger with CWHS's MIDI functions.

You have wave files that you'd like to trigger with its midi functions? What exactly do you mean? You want a kick to trigger a sampled kick? Or a snare to trigger an exposion, or whatever? If thats what you want, then thats what I explained. If not, then I'm still not sure what you are asking.
I use it to read all the hits, make a midi track out of it, and then use DR-008 to replace the hits with better sounding samples. I guess I'm not sure what you are asking then.
If you are just wanting to trigger this persons actual drum samples that you made, try opening up piano roll and clicking the hits whereever you want them, or playing them in through a midi keyboard with a click. Simply make a midi track, press record and play it on a keyboard if you want to do it that way. THen use your sample player to play it back. All parameters are adjustable after the fact.
tubedude said:
THen use your sample player to play it back.

Do you need something other than CWHS to run the midi signals into to trigger the wav files? Are there software apps for that? Are there freeware/ shareware apps for that? Seems like I have a copy of LDB laying around somewhere...