Cunfused about my voice :( need feedback..

I will have to agree with the others here I think. I am much like you, in that I am scared of singing around people and didn't know if I could sing. When I posted I wanted the truth, I didn't want people to just be nice to me. After listening to both tracks you posted, I would say that you can not sing. To me it never sounds like you are hitting any good notes. Your diction is bad, the yelling/emotion thing. You are trying to do all the advanced stuff without being able to do the basics and it doesn't work.

Now keep in mind I'm not saying you can't LEARN to sing, that will just take work to find out but I will say that if you can't listen back to those recordings and figure out that you're not in key then I'm not certain if you can learn. I wish you the best in trying though, and honestly just because I don't like it don't stop if you enjoy it.

Would you mind giving my post a listen. I am very much a begginer and I need some advice before I take lessons