Cubasis VST 5.0


New member
Hello....I have an I Mac and am looking into getting some software. I've found Steinberg makes an entry level program off the Cubase system called
Cubasis VST 5.0. I am recording acoustic guitars and vocals. If anyone has any experience or advice for a newbie, Mac user (cant use Cakewalk unless I go Virtual that an option I should look at?), I would greatly appreciate it...

Download free software find out what works best for you.
unless your trying to be competative in the recording industry then you would want be able to offer what others can like Pro Tools.
Hi Micheal,

I've used both Cubase and Cubasis for PC and they are good programs. They should be the same or better for the Mac since (I believe) the VST system is native to Macs. I wouldn't concider using virtual PC- digital audio is very resource intensive and the VPC doesn't have access to all the computer's resources the way a native Mac program would.

I'm not familiar with other audio software for macs, though, so I have a rather one sided opinion. I was happy enough with Cubasis, but that version only supported 8 tracks of audio so I upgraded to Cubase. I think the new version of Cubasis supports up to 64 (maybe 48?) tracks of audio. Good deal.

Maybe it's just a habite, but I really hate the audio recording of Cubase. There always goes something wrong there with me. But I learned to seaquence with Cubase, so I sequence in midi and record my audio in cool edit...

If you have more courage, you should try Logic. A bit more difficult to begin with, but once you get the hang of it much more reliable.