Cubase VST performance meter running to high?


New member
I just purchased Cubase 4, and the VST Performance ASIO meter is maxing out when I use a single HALion One instrument track. I don't know why it's working my computer so hard.

My PC has 2GB of RAM, 2.4GHz Pentium 4 Processor, Windows XP, and I use a separate 7200 RPM hard drive for the Cubase project files.

Help please! Thanks.
I dunno too much about Cubase 4, but what kind of interface do you have? Maybe somehow the buffer got set way too small or something and it's taxing your CPU trying to get info from HD to monitors.
Is there any control panel for the Mackie on your computer which would allow you to adjust buffer sizes?
Yeah there's a control panel for the Mackie. I have it selected to 44.1khz and 24ms, 1024 samples. That's the lowest I can go. If I go higher, it just gets worse.
have you checked at rhe site??? seems to me i remeber seeing someting about this over there... and it had to do with a faulty meter read IIRC...
JonathanRay said:
Yeah there's a control panel for the Mackie. I have it selected to 44.1khz and 24ms, 1024 samples. That's the lowest I can go. If I go higher, it just gets worse.

Okay, that's the sample rate, what about the buffer size?

You should probably do what dementedchord suggests as well, I know nothing about the Mackies so I could be wrong here. ;)
Is it a new project or one imported from a previous version? I had issues with the performance meter pegging when bring in SX3 projects. Once I cleared any channel EQ that was used things were fine.