cubase VST confused

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Ed Williams

New member

I've got the right computer, the right soundcard (I think)DMAN2044 I've got the mixer, I've got the Cubase 3.5.....

I can't make any of this stuff work!!!

I'm an old analog guy (tascam porta1) I can work that machine, no problem. But it's so limited.

Is there a better digital software system that is a bit more user friendly for an old timer like me?

I'm not completely computer stupid...I got here....but it seems that this cubase takes for granted a certain amount of knowledge that I don't have.

I need a software program that will let me record simple guitar, vocal and drum machine tracks for demos. I would like to have as many tracks as possible for over-dubs. NO MIDI.

I'm open to all suggestions.


Ed. Williams
Hi Ed,

What exactly is it that you can't get to work? All of these programs take a bit to learn - which part is giving you problems?

I've heard people mention n-track quite a bit on here, never tried it, but it may be what your looking for.


Thanks for your time.

My problems may stem from not having all the hardware parts and pieces hooked up together right. That could be causing part of my agrivation.

I'm sure that this software will do what I need it to do, but I just can't seem to get the basics I need out of the manual. I have no intention of discarding the cubase, it seems to be a remarkable bit of software.

I thought if there was a simpler form of software to get me started in the world of digital recording, it might ease my transition from analog to digital and ultimatly to a good working knowledge of the cubase system.

One of my problems is with the DMAN. It was sold to me as a 4 input card, but that does'nt seem to be the case. When trying to put my old analog tapes in the computer from my tascam 4 track I can only get two of the tracks to record. It seems that the first two inputs of the DMAN are real, and the second two are (as they call them) spares. Could you recommend a sound card that would let me transfer all four tracks of my Porta 1 into the computer at the same time? I would like to clean them up.

Another of my problems (which I see at work all the time with new employees) is that I'm trying too hard and just complicating things that arn't complicated. In time all of this will probably be second nature to me, but I seem to be having a hard time getting started.

I have never heard of n-track either but I would be interested in finding out about it.

I just feel that with the cubase I have jumped on a Harley before I learned to ride a bike.


Ed. Williams
Hi Ed,

According to Midiman's site, the 2044 does have 4 independent inputs and outputs(unless your using a Macintosh version of the card) It's possible that you may just not have the hardware setup correctly in cubase. Make sure that you have the four inputs activated in Cubase, and that you are assigning the inputs properly to each channel in the monitor/mixer view of Cubase. (At work now, can't give you the exact steps, but will check back tonight) I'm sure this is just a configuration problem, the dman should do the job for transferring from your 4-track. I also come from an analog background, and it took me quite awhile to be comfortable (somewhat) working in a digital enviroment. Just takes a bit of time messing around with the software, eventually it will come together though.


I can't thank you enough for taking the time to help me.

Ed. Williams
Hi Ed,

No problem, that's what we are all here for. I'm using version 3.65,
hopefully the menu system has not changed radically.

1. Check under Options>Multirecord - merge and active should be checkmarked
2. Check under Audio>Inputs - 1,2 and 3,4 should be green and activated.
3. Go to Audio>Monitor, at the top of the 1st 4 channels, change them to

IN 1L, IN 1R, IN 2L, IN 2R - You have to hold down the right control key when making changes in there.

I'm guessing a bit here, as each audio card will behave a little different.

Let me know if you make any progress.


[This message has been edited by Emeric (edited 07-05-1999).]

Thanks again.

I printed out your last post and will try what you suggest.

Tonight, however, I will take a good hard look at my hardware set-up. Re-read the manuals for the dman and the mixer. No sense in trying the cubase if the equipment is hooked up wrong.

Give me some time with this as I can't neglect my day job. But I will be back with you as soon as I have some results (either + or - ).

Here goes.


Ed. Williams
Dallas, Texas