Cubase user and external mixer need help!


New member
the audio setup is as follows in Cubase:

First off let me say, 16 channels is about all I ever use, I have 384 ram

Number of channels = 16
mem per channel = 192? <-- maybe set higher?
disk block buffer = 32
File cache scheme = Tape recorder/audio seq <-- I only record audio, but may try midi sometime, if you think I could do just fine even though I dont record midi to set it to what I have, just in case I decide in the future to record midi it will already be set up.

recorded buffer to disk = checked
ASIO device = ASIO Echo/Gina/Darla
sample rate =44.100
Audio clock source = selected from Echo console
Monitoring = Global device
midi to audio = 0
Priority = Highest
save with song = checked
Midi sync ref = Audio clock
Bit recording = 16
panning law = -6db
plug in delay is checked

And now for the real pain in the butt :)

I have a externel mixer, an old Peavey MS 2421, non-powered,nice board

heres how I have it hooked up (this was suggested to me by Peavey support) but somethings wrong

Start from the board, from the left and right out of the board I have it going to the in's of the power amp

from the out power amps I have it going to my 2 Alesis monitors

from the boards monitors R/L outs to the Gina 1&2 inputs, theres a master out R/L on the board but it sounds all muddy but the monitor R/L outs sound clear, so I use that, was told thats okay to do?

From the Gina 1&2 outs going to channels 1&2 of the board, I use faders 1&2 as the playback volume

Zoom R/L into channels 3&4
J-Station R/L into channels 5&6

Thats how I have it setup, but heres my problem

When I play a pre-set Zoom beat (I do this for troubleshooting only) I can control the volume by using faders 3&4,

Now heres whats odd, when I play a beat, go to record it in stereo on Cubase, click the "ins" the Cubase reads the input, but slightly, maybe only 25%, the output volume of the Zoom is opened wide, so to get a stronger reading I try and use channels 1&2 of Cubase faders to increase the input level but nothing happens?

The only way I can increase the input level of Cubase is to increse the input level of the Gina card

Thats what has me scratching my head

If someone could please tell me the proper way to hook up a mixer and power amp to a gina card that has 2 ins and 8 outs i would appreciate it very much
