Cubase SX3 or Cubase 5?


New member
hi folks. id like to ask you, how different are Cubase SX3 and Cubase 5? i want to start making music using Cubase, a hard task i know but im determined to. my question is, which of these two versions of cubase is better to start off? I tend towards SX3 (I assume its 'lighter' than Cubase 5) to be honest which as u know is a monster DAW, but im ready to jump straight into version 5 if you think it would be better and more useful
I started on Cubase 3.0 in 1989, and in 1999 went to Cubase VST/24.

Last week I went to Cubase 4, which also came with Cubase SX3.

Personally I don't really fall for the bullshit. For the most part, there was no/hardly any improvement between Cubase VST/24 and Cubase 4. In many ways VST/24 is better than Cubase 4. I think most people would be fine with the free version of Cubase LE I got with a Lexicon Omega 5+ years ago.

I have seen no improvements in Cubase versions unless you want to do stuff that is very, very weird. If you want to do what 99.9% of people want to do then Cubase LE, or any version of Cubase is fine. Cubase LE is a very powerful program. Thinking that Cubase 5 is more powerful than Cubase 4 or SX3 is getting sucked into the bullshit. The power is in the songs, the arrangements and the playing, not Cubase! :)

The only reason I wanted Cubase 4 is because I need to use Logical Edit, but even when I phone tech support at Cubase most of the people there don't even know what that is.

So my advise is buy any version you can get cheap. I paid $200 off of eBay for a combo of SX3 and Cubase 4. There is virtually no difference between the two programs and I've read the specs on Cubase 5 and it seems like more of the same.

p.s. Cubase 4 still an unorganized mess, with mistakes and goofs left and right, just like Cubase in 1989! I've found at least 35 mistakes in the program and have been talking to the geniuses in Germany about it.
thanx for the reply dintymoore, your info is very useful. which one is heavier? i mean how different are they in the way they use amount of CPU? and one more question, will a full guide for SX3 help to learn Cubase 5?
As far as which one would be heavier: I don't have Cubase 5. I have SX3 and 4, and I don't think there's a substantial difference between them. Cubase 5 requires a more powerful computer than I have, a G5, and I'm using a G4 dual 1GHz with 1.5 GB RAM.

A lot depends on how you use the program. If you use lots of software synths and plug ins it will eat up RAM, and that matters I think more than which version you are running.

I only spent moments on SX3, but it looked the same as Cubase 4, and both of them look the same as Cubase LE. I was able to load in my custom default template from Cubase LE. They are all basically the same program from what I can tell, just with varying amounts of features. But the basic program looks the same.

I was sorta ok on Cubase LE (VST/24 was my main app) and that made it a snap to get into Cubase 4. They are very similar. Cubase LE is no slouch either, it's good enough for me except that it doesn't have Logical Edit, which 99.9999999% of people don't need.
cubase 5

Hi, just wanted to throw in my two cents -

I use cubase 5 at home, but in the studio we use cubase sx3. The only noticable differences are that there is a slick new look to wav editing and vocal correction, and the fact that as standard the track colours are displayed differently. Other than that i think its steinbergs idea to get studois buying a new product!

Think about how many great songs are out there that have been recorded before cubase 5 arrived and there is your answer.
