Cubase sx3 or cubase 5 studio and yamaha AW1600


New member
- Moderator can remove this post I got it to work thanks :-)-

Hello everyone just registered today as I am just beginning my journey in recording. I got a good deal on a Yamaha Aw1600 only paid $350 with tax at my local Guitar Center was on clearance had no manual or cd but got all that off the internet anyway. So here is my question I know my way around cubase sx3(so I would prefer to use sx3 ( I read the manual for this one and bought a tutorial video for it) I do have cubase 5 studio also if this would help matters I will use it if need be but prefer not to) fairly well but I cannot get this to control Cubase. I have the file
Yamaha-AW1600-Remote.xml and tried to use this under midi device manager and then chose the import setup but nothing happened and under install device there is no aw1600 or aw16g. I am hoping someone will know how to set this up as my plan is to use the aw1600 to record practices and gigs and drop them down to cubase to add effects do the mix down and master, as I recently bought alot of really good VST's, VSTI's and effects plugins from a guy I know that had a studio and got out of the business. I would really like to control cubase with the aw1600 as I used a vs1680 and vs2480 in the past and prefer to use a console over a mouse it just seems to be faster and more enjoyable to me. Thankyou for your time.
Novice producer, John Dullebawn :confused:
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This Yamaha Aw1600 is a multi track recorder with many possibilities and is like a small mini studio.

Connecting with Cubase makes no sence because, I donot think you can use it as a controller for Cubase. It was never intended to do so.

So you either use it to record a band or something else and than transfer your files via USB to Cubase for futher processing or use it for everything.

If you had bought a good audio interface, you can the same, only much easier and the way most homerecorder do it these days.

My advice is just sell the thing and start the modern way.


Thanks for the reply man I may not have made my question clear.As I said in the first post a friend of mine closed his studio down and I bought most of the software and some hardware so I have alot of pc effects vst's and vsti's, The pc is also a good one qx9650 cpu, Asus maximus Extrmem Mobo, 8 gigs of ddr3, 2 tb's of storage space and 2 velociraptor 300 gig's in raid array for my os and programs so I would prefer to use it for the production phase. However this pc is in a Very big and heavy Antec p193 case (when they had the dual powersupplies) so I cannot move this to record our gigs and practices. So I got the AW1600 to record practices and gigs then I plan on dropping down the tracks I recorded onto the AW1600 to Cubase via usb then work with the tracks. Also for demos I plan on just using the effects on a send so the tracks will be raw with no effects when dropped to cubase, the usb connection on the AW1600 should do this fine. When I bought the AW1600 at guitar center they said I can use this to control cubases volume faders and the play, rec, stop ect.. buttons. So after the tracks are dropped to cubase via usb on the AW1600 I should be able to use this to control cubase like a control surface would. It has an *.xml file for this purpose from the yamaha site that should do this but it is not working. I thought maybe someone here may know how to do this without just making a new midi device which I am guessing would be a huge pain. Thanks again.