Cubase SX3 and Reason 3.0 Questions.


New member
Hi I recently Purchased cubaseSX3 and reason3.0 and im having a hard time gettin my songs from reason to play as seperate midi tracks in cubase?
When i save the track in reason and try to open it in Cubase , it shows the tracks but there is no waves???? Any help is appreciated..
Explain in a little more detail what you are doing.

Do you have rewire up and running?
Can you trigger reason instruments from cubase?

You cannot just open a reason file in cubase and expect it to work
altitude909 said:
Explain in a little more detail what you are doing.

Do you have rewire up and running?
Can you trigger reason instruments from cubase?

You cannot just open a reason file in cubase and expect it to work

sorry about that i shouldve gotten into more detail.

ok say i start reason and i start makin a new track.
drums, synths, etc.

ok i finsihed the project and i want to bring it into cubase so i can edit each track seperatly.

So when i go to cubase and go open the file, it opens and i see tracks and the volumes workin but theres no sound or i dont see any sound waves??

and i cannot triiger any sounds from cubase , Id love to know how to do this???

Sorry if i sound like a tottal retard i just got into all of this less than 6months ago...

Also when reason and cubase are both running , when i press play in cubase

Reason starts to play..
You have to re-wire in order to do what you want to do, all the info is in the cubase manual or on the PDF'S on the disk, It a quite a few steps so you have to read! ;) :D
In your reason manual, read the section about rewire. That will have all your answers. Reason does not work like a regular plugin in cubase and you have to properly setup communication between the two
You'll have to connect your Reason devices to the Hardware interface found in Reason. By doing this, you can have individual tracks for each Reason device in Cubase. Also, you can trigger the device, either it's a redrum unit or sampler, and record it's midi sequences on cubase.