Cubase SX3 and Edirol UA-25 problems..


New member
Hi guys

I've watched the tutorials on Cubase, and hopefully this isn't as newbie a question as it seems.

I have an Edirol UA-25, and i can't seem to select the Edirol as the master ASIO driver. I has 3 options listed in the dropdown box in VST Audiobay.

1. ASIO directx full duplex driver
2. ASIO multimedia driver
3. Edirol UA-25

When I click on Edirol UA-25, it asks me if I want to select another ASIO master driver, and i click 'switch' but then an error comes up saying:

"Can not found a device. Please connect the device."

Now, the problem is, that the device is connected, and it is selected as the primary audio playback, midi, etc in windows control panel for audio. So why isn't it able to find the device?

I am unable to get an output for this because of this problem. I can record using the inputs, but the output doesn't work and I can't listen to what I've recorded..

Ok guys, I fixed this problem.

There is an updated driver available for the ASIO settings.

You can get it here:

Basically, I uninstalled the old driver, installed the new one, and I had no problems selecting the Edirol in the VST menu.

Hopefully someone else will have the same problem somewhere down the track and will be able to refer to this thread for a solution ;)
