Cubase SX: Setting default MIDI IN/OUT


New member
After I set the default MIDI IN/OUT in the "Device Setup", it doesn't stick when I create a new track. The new track's MIDI OUT is always "Not Connected" and I have to manually choose the correct one for it to work properly.

I know that its just a small gesture to set it manually, but I don't think it was designed to be like this. Help!!!!!
Nope, it is doing it the right way. You need to manually designate the MIDI out for each MIDI track. There are times you want it to be your synth, other times your softsynths, so you need to do it for each MIDI track each time. It's very quick and you will get used to it very soon. It's automatic for me now.

There might be a way to designate your synth as the default out, but I don't know how to do it. I would consult the manual if it really bothers you that much.
Its quite easy really - just set up the arrange page as you want it with all the correct number of midi tracks you normally use and all the midi ins and outs allocated. Now go to the file menu and select save template - type in a name and its sorted. Now every time you open Cubase and select to create a new file your template will be available.

Hope this is what your after.

Sorry for the question, but at the moment I don´t have Cubase, since the motherboard is being repaired.
If you save a project as a template, does SX also keep the EQ´s FX´s and plug-ins applied to the instruments?, because that would be really worthy!
A template in SX will store pretty much everything - it just stores the entire project at that moment in time and allows you to always use that as a starting place. An advantage of this is that you cannot accidently save over it as it is stored in a templates folder instead of the same folder as your project.

One word of warning : i do not recommend you actually save audio files in a template (i cant see why you would, perhaps an accompanyment) because SX references the audio files to the same place as the project which you had opened when you saved the template. If you move the project folder or the audio then your template will be left with a blank audio file.

Sorry to start elving into the depths of SX there really was no need.

In summary yes, SX is really worthy.

Thanks for the reply, Milsy5. I actually was thinking on using the templates without any audio files.

My problem is that I have to spend a terrible time to set the bass, for example. I previously have to apply a bunch of compression, delays and eq´s in order to monitor something decent before recording.

This way I would only need to plug and play, and the final adjustments will come afterwards.

Again, txs a lot.
