Cubase SX patchname script maker


New member
I can't find a pn script for my keyboard. But I have its manual with all the parameters so I think I may be able to write one for it.

Any programs or guides on how to write patchname scripts for SX?
I did my PC88mx by just looking at the standard MIDI script and then playing with it a bit. It took about 3 hours most of which was typing in the names, but now the whole thing is set up. Word to the wise...SAVE the file, once you are done to a backup disk so in the event you have a major problem you don't lose your work.

Having the manual with the banks and names listed is a big help.
I wrote the script, but it doesn't show up in MIDI Device Manager.

I put the file inside C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase SX\Scripts\patchnames\Inactive\Yamaha.
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