Cubase SX Mixdown saved...can't undo..!!!!


New member I 'mixed down for the first time yesterday.....

NOW, I want to change some stuff, and the only thing I can change is my master effects.

Even if I mute all the audio tracks, they don't mute...I can't turn them up or down even. Can someone please help....I need this done yesterday and yeah...I'm stuck.

I don't know why it didn't just mix down to the file and leave all my work alone....I'm confused.

ANY insight on this would be great. Thanks.

OK....actually, what it's doing is this:::

If I solo all my tracks, I can treat them normally, however when I have all them unmuted and 'unsoloed' (don't know if that word exists), I can't do anything to them....all the dumb effects I tried and stuff are stuck on there. Thanks.
I'm having trouble understanding what it was you did as I don't understand what you mean by "mixed down" if you don't mean, as you said, mixed down to a file.

I'm going to guess that you are using mix automation and that's what causing all the old effects and levels to come back even if you change them.

Its been a while since I used Cubase, so I can't remember the specifics, but there are a couple things you can do to get rid of the automations (if that's the problem.)

1) I think you can turn mix automation on and off by track. I'm sorry, but I can't remember how. Its one of the buttons on the mixer, I think.

2) Somewhere down at the end of your tracks, an automation track was created. Again, I can't remember what it was called or how it is labeled, but its one long region for the whole song. By deleting that region, it erases all the automation and you can start over.

Anyway, that's my wild guess. From what you describe, I can't think of anything else that it might be, but I certainly don't know everything about the program.

Take care,
Have to agree with Chris, your explanation is a bit confusing. I'm assuming your talking about automation and not that you mixed to a stereo file and saved it.

To stop the automation you can just click on the "R" button (stands for "Read") that is next to the "W" (Write) button. THis will turn off the automation. You can do it for each track, or in the master fader for the whole song.

If you want to undo the automation you can click on the "+" sign in the in the channel inspector (called somthing like that, my system has been in pieces for months and I just got it put back together so I'm going from memory) and click on automation selection. Select it and hit delete and it will delet all automation for the track.

If your trying to get rid of effects you placed on the channels (you mentioned dumb effects that are stuck there) pull up your effects rack for each track and set them to "no effect" or you can click on the "bypass effect " button in each channel in the mixer. Place your cursor over the buttons, they will tell you what they are.

Good luck.
Here I'll try again..

I just typed a huge explaination that was excellent...and I sent it...and lost it?????? I'm pissed. hahaha In short this time:::

I mixed my song. I have never done any 'automating' yet. I have one part that I want noisey. I saved my noisey mixer well as my clean.

I wanted to mix down just the noisey part, so I selected using the pencil thing, the part. I loaded the noisey mixer settings. Went file, export, audio mix down (where I did select with automation and stereo interleaved or whatever).

Then I wanted to mix down the whole song, without the noisey part. So I selected the longest track and hit 'P'....Then I loaded my clean mixer settings and again, went file, export, etc.

Note: on my master effects, I am running Ozone to master it abit.

For some reason the mixed down audio for the 'whole song' had the noisey part noisey (I checked the mixer settings during this part and they are set to my clean it's not like it is automating), and it sounds like it mastered it twice or something......because when I boosted the highs and lows, the mixed down version sounds like the lows are super woofy, and the highs are super shrill.

Also, now when I open up my session, I try to change my mixer settings, and I can't do anything. It's like I'm just listening to the mixed down version (with it mastered twice...the crappy sound). I can't change anything except I can turn off my master effects and I can adjust them as well. I pissed around with the mute/solo stuff, and I found that if I solo a track, and I put the fader all the way up, then all the way down, it's like it unlocks or something and then I can change the settings on that track.

I thought I could just mix the song, mix it down, burn it, listen, make adjustments, mix it down, etc.

Note: I have read the manual extensively with no luck. I'm resorting to you guys. I hope I've clearified stuff. Thanks. Greg.
I'll be honest, this is so different than how I operate I am still not quite sure I get what's up, but I think I have a better idea so let me take a few stabs.

First off, and don't take any offense please..are you using a cracked version? If so, this could lead to the program not operating right. I'm not accusing, just bringing it up.

Also, what version are you using? If it's not SX 1.03 or more, then you should update to at least 1.03. I reccomend 1.03 it appears to be the most stable for everyone.

I'm not sure if I get the noisy part/clean part settings, but if it is a track that is offending, you can mute it and then mixdown so the track isn't heard in mixdown.

If you saved the mixdown, it should be under a different name, or the same name with a "1" after it or something. Can't you open the original version with the whole mixing board and go from there?

You mention sticky faders that aren't movable and that is why I brought up the cracked software, or the version you are using. I have never heard of this before.

These are the only things I can think of, perhaps someone else will recognize what is happening to you and have better suggestions.

Good luck.
this does sound strange, sticky faders, things not exporting properley. All you should have to do is mute all the non-noisy tracks-file-export-clean.wav (clean.wav is an example of the file name). Then mute all the clean parts and un-mute the noisy parts then file-export-noisy.wav.

It's as simple as that. I mixed down tons, especially with some instruments muted to have a listen.

good luck, I'm not sure that I still understand your problem though.

I'll be completely honest, I am using a cracked version....which I honestly do feel bad about. I am a student and am poor, and yeah....I have no excuse. My appologies to those offended.

It is vesion 1.03.

My 'noisey' part is just a part where I had different mixer settings......when I said noisey, I meant, I put crazy effects and settings on all my tracks. There isn't just 1 noisey track.

I just opened it again to see if everything is still messed up, and it is. I loaded my good mixer settings, and it sound just screwed up. I just realized that I can turn my faders up and down, and I just noticed that if I turn down my fader on, for ex. my guitar tracks, the guitar tones clear up to normal. Note: even if my guitar faders are completely off, the guitars are still there....they just drop slightly if volume, and they clear up tonally. This leads me to believe that I was correct when I assumed that when I mixed it down, it actually changed my session or something so that now it is 'mixing' and 'adding effects' etc. to my overall mix. Like, to break this down to my kick track for example, I am EQing and adding effects, etc. to a kick wave that is already EQ'd and stuff. Basically, when I open up my session and play it, I am hearing my waves that are EQ'd, with effects on them.....times 2. I don't know how else to explain this. Can you think of anything I could have selected when I mixed it down or something that could have caused Cubase to 'store' these settings or something?'s almost like there is a whole mixer and effects rack BEFORE my mixer that is not allowing me to shut off what it's doing. LIke crap, I can't even mute my tracks! I hpoe this gives you guys an even better idea of what's going on here. I'll be honest, exactly what you guys are telling me to do, is what I did... Thanks. PLEASE HELP....anything is great. Greg.
My appologies...

Here's another point:::
I moved those 'mixes' I had made, thinking that it was loading them on a track or something.....anyways,

I went to open my session now, and it is complaining about 'missing files'....therefore that does tell me that it was loading the crappy mixes somewhere. Where/how it was playing them is beyond me though.

If anyone knows why it would be playing back the mixed down waves overtop/with my mix, please do inform. Thanks....and once again, I'm sorry to those who are offended by my cracked version..>>I promise I will buy it as soon as I have enough money. Basically, what I was thinking when I downloaded it was that I will try it out, and if I like it, I will buy it. I don't like scamming people, as I am a musician and don't want everyone to just download our songs...I want to be able to sell my that just proves that I don't agree with scamming people. Thanks. Greg. I'm getting somewhere now. I just saw that on my audio track 25, there is the mixed down stereo wave. Is this normal? How can I prevent it from inserting the mixed down wave into my track 25? Thanks so much guys, you've been SO helpful. Greg.
Hey Greg,

While I commend your for your honesty in letting us know you're using the cracked version, you should know that VERY few people around here have any respect for people using cracks. Just kinda the way it is: we paid for the stuff and support the company to keep developing the software we invest in. Using cracks is a severe deadend in the long run and makes a lot of people upset around here.

Just to see what people were talking about, I tried the cracked version of SX, even though I have a legitimately purchased copy.

Night and day. The cracked version is buggy and unstable. I'd get random crashes while editing audio or moving MIDI notes. I can't believe people use it. You'd seriously be better off buying a copy of n-track: its less stable than a clean copy of SX but more stable than the cracked version, and Flavio provides EXCELLENT support for his program.

Asking for help with the cracked version is really useless- it doesn't behave normally so a lot of the advice we could give you is wasted. Thought you might want to know.
OK.....thanks tons Kryogh.

That's exactly all I needed to know. I'm going to try mixing down again here...hopefully it works out.

Chris Shaeffer....I am fully aware of this...I've heard it on plenty of occassions. Anyways, as I stated before, I'm "trying it out"....I will buy the real deal once I have money, because I really do not want a buggy program messing with my hard work.

I'll let you know if this works out. Thanks again so much for all your help. Greg.
Maybe I should not write this...

But if your using cracked SX version, try to get the ARTIC release. This one is ok.

I personaly bought SX, but I'm frequently called to debug home studios running Cubase/Nuendo so.... I see every carcked release you can imagine...


hmmmm.....should it press "submit reply" or not....

I will. :|
I appreciate your honesty in letting us know it's a cracked version. It saves us time in trying to come up with solutions that don't exist.

I'll save the usual "go-off" session that occurs when we get crack users here, but if your serious about buying the program if you like it might I suggest you go to and download the free demo, which does work. A lot of programs have cracks that work well (or so I hear, I don't use them personally) but Cubase is NOT one of them.

Trying a cracked version of Cubase to see if you want to buy it is like trying out a Corvette with an engine that is running on two cylinders, pours out smoke and leaks gas and oil. You can sit inside and say "My this is pretty" but if it doesn't run right you will never know the power that is supposed to be under the hood. Most walk away saying "Cubase sucks and is buggy" and never even get it that it's because they are using a crack.

Download the free demo and see what it's really about.
So I tried mixing down, and it worked perfectly.....with the help from all of you!

I really really do appreciate your comment Bass Master "K" regarding the crack not being half of what the program really is. I will seriously take this into consideration the next time I'm interested in a program. I also appreciate you not 'blowing up' on me. I am the type of person who is always honest.

Lastly, I seriously hope that I haven't ruined my rep around here so that if I do have some small problem like this again, I can still hope that some of you will TRY and help me again. I do realize that if I do encounter some problems, it may be due the crack, however, I also don't want to be stranded again. I really couldn't of got through this problem without you guys.

Enough emotional crap. Thanks so much guys, and I hope I haven't turned too many of you into Gregwor haters. Thanks again. Greg.
Gregwor said:
I really really do appreciate your comment Bass Master "K" regarding the crack not being half of what the program really is. I will seriously take this into consideration the next time I'm interested in a program. I also appreciate you not 'blowing up' on me. I am the type of person who is always honest.

You see the problem here Gregwhore is you are seriously in denial. I always tell my kids what thieves are best at is lying and they even suck at that. Like you saying that being poor is your excuse for stealing this program. What a line of bullshit, get a job like everyone else. You said you are the type of person that is always honest, get real!
Gregwor said:
I can still hope that some of you will TRY and help me again.
Hope is all we have here. I hope you help yourself and start living a life you can respect yourself for.
Weird how someone (not just you, Greg, lots of people are like this these days) can say "I'm an honest kind of person" while blatantly stealing. Denial is exactly the right term for it, even if its so common that it doesn't seem wrong.

I often wonder if we live in a world of 8 year olds in grown-up bodies, the way many people tend to act and justify their actions. This kind of funky, self-serving logic is so common its scary.

Greg, man, my hat's off to you about being honest enough about using cracked software. Don't get caught in the self-perception trap, though, that using that software is OK for any reason. Or that its "honest." Its not. Fact is you are doing something wrong and immoral. If it doesn't bother you to the point that you stop doing it, what does that really say about you and your honesty?

Hmm.. dont put me in the "crack user" category, but...

The crack thing dont just kill the software developpers. In fact, in certain case, they make the sales get better!

I hope you will understand, because I tried 10 way to figure out what I want to say in english, and thats all what came out! :|

...and...that doesnt make me approve all this.


See ya!