Cubase-specific MIDI issue, probably only an issue because I'm a noob...


Shredmaster Alpha

I have a Roland XP-30 and Cubase SX 3. I managed to get Cubase to recognise the XP30 through downloading a 3rd party XML file, and my MIDI-in works fine. However, when I pull down my track's MIDI-out, it gives me XP-30 [NOT CONNECTED]. In the MIDI device manager, the XP-30 isn't in the OUT drop-down either.

And yes, I searched google and the forums, but I'm a bit clueless with MIDI in general and anything that may have been an answer was a bit convaluded...

I appreciate this very much, lads and lassies!

that would be because it is not routed to a midi output. Open up the Device/midi device manager and select the output port you want it routed to
Thanks for the quick reply. Unfortunately, I don't understand - what seems to be the pull-down for the output option doesn't list the Roland as an acceptable output. Please see the attached screen grab (.jpg).

Thanks again!



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The fact that you loaded an XML instrument definition file does not mean that Cubase recognizes your synth. It only means that you provided a definition for it.

You still need 'connect' the definition to a MIDI port. If you can't figure out what to do from the pull down menu above, you may want to refer to page 4-47 of the Cubase manual.
Cool. My Cubase manual is in one of many unmarked boxes since I moved, so I think I'll be downloading the pdf off Steinberg's website hahaha.

Thanks a lot. I'll try to figure it out tonight.
Just downloaded the book. Thanks for the link!

I read the entire MIDI section of the manual, and I still can't seem to get this right. I installed the instrument via the XML file. But the output dropdown should then have the instrument AS my output. That is to say, I want output to be able to be routed TO the instrument. But it won't let me. I'm missing something here.

TH=hanks for your patience. I shall read the book soon. I know Cubase somewhat well, just not MIDI.
OK, I'll spell it out for you. I'm just gonna hate myself in the morning......

You've got a definition file. And you got a synth, and that synth has to be connected to a midi port for it to be meaningful to the DAW.

Something has to tell Cubase where to find the synth for the definition to do anything. Think of the synth like a mic, except that instead of using a soundcard channel, it uses a MIDI port and channel.

You need to wire that up. And that is what the popup is prompting you to do.

What is your synth hooked up to? If it is the Audigy then pick it from the picklist.
AHhhhhhh. Don't hate yourself - you answered it for me.

I was misunderstanding that the out was supposed to be to the instrument ITSELF. I fully understand now - I was just mixed up on wording. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out. Got it working!

You're a gentleman and a scholar. Good night to you.