Cubase SL 3.0


New member
I have seen that Steinberg has released a major patch for Cubase 3 that probably turns it into a usable product. I currently have Cubase 2.0 SL and am working but would like to upgrade my OS to Tiger. I can get the upgrade for $99.00, but should I? Anyone having good or bad experiences with Cubase 3 running in Tiger? Thanks...
Cubase SL 2 to SL 3 and Tiger... Upgrade strategy...

Ok, I purchased the SL3 upgrade because I could only take advantage of the $99.00 price until the end of September, 2005. Or at least that was the threat. I will be attempting the following, anyone who has advice thanks, if not, here's hoping my backups work...

1. Install SL3 upgrade, leave SL2 running in parallel on OSX 10.3.3
2. Import SL2 projects into SL3, Add VST pluggins, make sure everything is cool and working properly.
3. Backup everything including OS w/bootable reinstall CD's
4. Uninstall SL2, not supported in OSX Tiger.
5. Upgrade to OSX Tiger.
6. See Tiger run. See Cubase run.
7. Restore if all fails. Save up for Logic.

If this works, I'll post the results and any caveats. It's hard to believe there is no migration strategy documentation. Or is it? Well, they could be worse I suppose.

Mostly good news...

Here are the results of my Cubase SL2 to SL3 upgrade on Jaguar...

Before step 1, there is the "registration" process. This is a confusing process but it does work.

To get your new SL3 upgrade licensed try this:
1. Upgrade the License Control Center package.
2. Your old keys appear to disappear when you run the new License app, don't worry.
3. Cold restart your Mac, no "restart", do a complete shutdown.
4. After starting up you see your old license keys in the new Liscense app.
5. Use the "Download" wizard with the "authorization" key provided on a piece of cardboard. (Not the number on the DVD install jacket).
6. The new license is installed. It replaces the SL 2.0 license. However, you can still run 2.0 and 3.0 on the new license.
7. Remove the USB License dongle.
8. Install SL 3.0 from upgrade DVD.
9. When prompted for "User name" and "Serial Number" you will need to provide any user name you want, it doesn't matter. For the "Serial number" do not use the serial number on the box or the send in form, this is not what they want. You actually use the number with hyphens included on the DVD install jacket. Yeah, it's wierd. The number will even scroll onto a second line, but it will work and SL3 will be installed.
10. Put the USB dongle back in place.
11. Startup and run SL2 and SL3.
12. Immediately patch SL3, there's a very good patch available, it's a must.

Ok, now to answer these questions based on my experience.

1. Install SL3 upgrade, leave SL2 running in parallel on OSX 10.3.3
Yes, this works. See above, licensing is the trick.

2. Import SL2 projects into SL3, Add VST pluggins, make sure everything is cool and working properly.

Wow, I was impressed. My VST pluggins work and importing SL2 projects works. It also allows you to save them as new projects so you can keep your SL2 projects in tact while you migrate. Thank you Steinberg, somebody was thinking. Forget Halion 3.1, it's broken again for SL3, I imagine a patch will come out sometime. I like my hardware sampler, it never breaks...<G>

3. Backup everything including OS w/bootable reinstall CD's
Not to this step yet. SL3 working well on Jaguar, no rush.

4. Uninstall SL2, not supported in OSX Tiger. Pending...
5. Upgrade to OSX Tiger. Pending...
6. See Tiger run. See Cubase run. Pending...

SL3 seems to run better, loads faster and I was able to get to work right away with no uncomftorable interface changes. It does seem to quantize automatically, no "off" function. However, you can say "unquantize" on a track to get what you want back. So far I'm pleased, the registration is a pain but that's the fault of software thieves. SL3 gives a solid migration strategy and is worth the trouble. Get your upgrade while you can at - you won't find it advertised anywhere on the steinberg web page. The cost is $99.00. I will update this with Tiger upgrade information when I get to it, for now I'm not rocking the boat.

Thanks for the rundown on the upgrade. I'm in a similar boat, running SL2 on a PC. I haven't had any issues with SL2 and the way I use it so I hadn't bothered to upgrade. I really should bite the bullet and do it, though.

to upgrade or not to upgrade


You might be wise to buy the upgrade while it's cheap, you can always install it later. So far so good but if you rely on Halion, wait a bit for a patch.