Cubase se dither


New member
Steinbergs site says se contains the Apogee UV22 dither. Does it work automatically during mixdown or is there a way to actually find it. I find the documentation sparse to say the least. :confused:
Thanks, but that was the first place I looked. It is also not in the plug in info.
It's not in the librarys or any place else I've searched. Did Steinberg omit this without telling anyone? Thanks again for your help. :(

macmoondoggie said:
Thank you for your help. A user on the forum helped me. :)

You found it? In general, what do you think of Cubase SE? isd it a good recording software? Thanks!
For my needs, its a very good recording software. It's very stable and comes with features beyond its price imho! Its sound quality is excellent. :p