Cubase really slow (AC97)


New member
Hi there!

I have a QuataFire 610 sound card on one computer and an intergrated AC97 sound card on the other. when I've copied project files from one to the other the sound in cubase is very slow. Is this because of the intergrated sound card? Recordings are at 96kHz 32bit. If I play them in media player the sound is OK. Is this problem because of ASIO drivers or what?
Whichever one you play them back in needs to have the sample rate set to the same rate they where recorded at.
It's a project properties option within Cubase.
I would think that if you are transferring an entire project, the settings would remain the same. :confused:
It could be possible that the AC97 is having a hard time supporting the 96kHz playback.
The integrated soundcard is probably re-converting it to 16/44.1 on-the-fly in order to play it back, which is like sqeezing an RV through a home water pipe... you can do it with enough brute force, but it's gonna take some time.

Get a REAL 24/96 soundcard...
Yes, this is first what I thought. I could have a hard time but like I said if I play individual files in media player there's no problem and even in Audition a multitrack song in 96kHz can be played without problem. It can also be a problem with real time effects in Cubase. Maybe the latency is quite high.
If the playback seems as though it's in slow motion or it sounds like the chipmunks .... That would lead me to think improper frequency rates.
If by going slow you mean the computers response times .... then I would look at the buffer settings for the AC97.
I'd just turn the AC97 off. You can do that in the BIOS of your computer (probably somewhere in the Onboard Periphirals or something like that). That way, the computer won't even know the thing's in there, so nothing will go through it. Also, copying large files takes alot of ram, and a fast HD. Not having either can really slow things down.
I went to Poll, selected all track and converted them to 44.1kHz 16bit so now it works great. 96kHz 32bit was a little bit too much for my AC97 card. Of course like I said I recorded all tracks on my ESI QuataFire 610 card a lot better than AC97.