cubase question


New member
Hey all,

I've been getting to know cubase le 4 recently and started really liking it. That is until I ran into a problem. I realized that le 4 will not allow me to run a multi-channel vst (like edirol orchestral) through multiple midi channels. Basically, I want to be able to have one copy of the instrument open and be able to use all 16 channels.

Anyway, I looked into cubase a bit and found that I could possibly afford cubase essential (the next step up i guess). My quesion is, do any of you know if this version can handle the midi channels that le cannot? I've looked through comparison charts but am not familiar enough with the terms to figure it out (I am self taught - thus there are many dark areas in my understanding of the matter:)

God Bless!

I'm a cubase 5 user so I'm not familiar with 4le but have you checked on the cubase VST'i pannel, to the left of the slot where you choose your VSTi there is a little icon to change from stereo out to multichannel output. It is set to stereo out by default I think.

I don't see anything like that in le4. may not be available (or I just don't know how to look:)

Thanks for the quick reply though

I use sonar but you should just create all of your MIDI tracks and then change the channel number of them to correspond to the channel you wnat them to represent in Edirol. I am not sure though as the last version of Cubase I used was the original.