cubase le + OX tiger?


New member
Just got a macbook pro and I'm looking for an affordable interface solution (less than Can $700) to do some recording- sometimes just me, sometimes with a band. I've read alot about compatability issues with ox tiger and cubase le.. I'm aware that there is a new version (1.08 or something) but im still weary of spending the money. Has anyone interfaced a firepod with the new macbook pros and succesfully used cubase le.... I'm tired of buying stuff and regretting it...
theres an available le update which is downloadable, i have it but dont use it cause i have digital peformer. i need more than 2 simultaneous tracks
i've seen people talk about some sort of cubase firepod template that you can download that might make all 10 channels recordable, but i can't comment on the validity of that. i've never looked it up. not sure if it will also be UB compatible.

The following new features have been added in Cubase LE version 1.0.9

- Number of simultaneous recording/playback channels have been increased to 4 mono or stereo

So you can record 8 tracks... (4 stereo) You just have to split the stereo tracks into dual mono after recording somehow.

Be careful though since the update (from what I hear) also reduces the number of VSTI's you can use.

There are some bugs fixed- and if they're effecting you, you may well want to change.

On the other hand, there are new restrictions- notably, only two VSTis at a time can be used in a project (my version of LE allows 8). I don't know what "updating" would do to previous projects already using more than two VSTis- and I'm not game to find out!
Make good music!
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