Cubase LE or Magix?


New member
I just picked up the new lexicon alpha recording unit, and it came with Cubase LE. I already own Magix audio studio deluxe 2005, and like it nonetheless. I just wondered how Cubase LE compares to what I already have on my pc and if it is even worth installing it. Should I bother?
Thanks for any input you may have!
By the way, for anyone new to recording bass or guitar, this little device is really neat, portable, works with mac and pc, and relatively inexpensive. I picked it up for $117 at GC.
i own the latest Magix audio studio wichi is 11 deluxe. I absolutely love it. To me...... it runs circles around the crappy cubase le, which i also own. Keep the magix!! way more features (at least version 11, that is) way easier to use. I'm saving the cubase Le disc for when i run out of toilet paper :D
'I'm saving the cubase Le disc for when i run out of toilet paper' mate thats gonna hurt,but ey whatever floats your boat. To be honest i haven't heard of the magix programme, but i have been using different versions of cubase for a few years now and find its a great programme for recording editing and midi. It really depends on yourself. If you have already been using this magix programme for a while then maybe stay with it. Its always hard learning something new, and holds you back from being able to put your ideas strait down as you'll be looking at the manual more than the screen. But if its free and you fancy trying something else then LE is a little taster. Then maybe move on to SL or SX. its worth a look.

Thanks for all your input! I installed it last night, and it looked so foreign to me. Like many of you in this forum, I simply enjoy learning new things, and trying different software apps. You are sooo right about looking at the manual more than the screen. After about 10 minutes of messing with it I just closed it up and decided to play with my magix.
By the way, magix software is often times on sale, with a rebate that basically puts the price tag at $0 or close to that. I paid next to nothing for it at BestBuy.
Later mates!
i agree......if you are used to something already and its doing the job, i would stick with it. Ive tried playing with cubase and just cant seem to like it, but doesnt mean i wont try any other software cuz i know i will :D