Cubase LE and DFHS


New member
Has anyone tried Drum kit from hell superior in Cubase?

I really want this program, but am a little concerned about the setup.

Can you easily draw a drum map in the key editor and run this trhough the DFHS plugin Superior thing?

also does anyone know how to do good ghost notes in the key editor, mine sound crap with the lm-7 module thing......
Well, this is probably going to be a pointless post since I know nothing of ghost notes nor do I use DFH or Cubase LE... (I'm an SL user, so the differences should not be too great) :o

I use BFD, which I believe is pretty similar to DFH, and it is a breeze if you have enough patience to sit and program within the key editor. Even moreso if you go and get a midi controller like the trigger finger or something of that nature. As far as MIDI tracking in general, IMO, I knew next to nothing when I first got Cubase and now I am a programming fool. Every song I record has at least drums in it, if not some weird synth sounds, etc...

Point is, it should be easy enough, just make sure that DFH can be used as a VST plugin which it no doubt is. The rest is in the Help menu...

P.S. Like I said, I'm not sure what a ghost note is (not that cool yet ;) ), but it probably sounds bad because the LM-7 sounds bad. Not knocking it, lord knows I've used it too, but there are definitely better drum samples out there, and better programs (BFD has my vote) in which to utilize them. :D
I use DFHS with Cubase SX3, it's a great program, easy to use and very flexiblegreat. You can get a massive library of beats for DFHS from I find it best to cut and splice these beats and tweak as you go along. I use it on the track in my sig file, it's not realy mixed yet but you'll get an idea of what you can do.
One cool thing you can do is bleed microphones and change from sticks to brush etc.... there are also a number of different kits you can chose from. DFHS also humanises beats so it will change all of the velocities and the actual samples used for each beat so it sounds a little more organic. As far as programming the beats goes, its straight into the cubase midi window (or import a midi file from another program).