Cubase Essential 5 weirdness


New member
I've been using Cubase LE off and on for about five years, and I decided to upgrade to Essential. I set it up and it worked great the first night. The second night I did some VSTi drum samples and it worked great. Tonight I went to record guitars, vocals, etc. and initially it saw audio in the transport but not in the channel. As I tried to correct the problem, now it has no audio going in or out anywhere-even the drum sample audio is gone, although the waveform is still visible. I tried to reload my drivers(using a Tascam US-122), but no change. I'm considering reloading Cubase, as I have nothing to lose as far as files. I've done the devices setup, and the VST connections and it shows the tascam just as it should.

My computer is a 2.1ghz dual core with 2GB RAM running Vista Home 32bit.

I'm walking away tonight to sleep on this. Any suggestions before I wipe and reload tomorrow would be appreciated.