Cubase Elements 7 tracks via email to Ableton user & back


New member
I'm seeking info on emailing some tracks to a friend who uses Abelton (not sure of version) so he can add some guitar tracks, then send back to me....Any suggestions? tips? tricks? Warnings? Name calling? lol
Yes, you can either take a stereo complete mix and use that as the background for him(he can drag into arrangement view) Or you can take all of your tracks and import the stems (again in arrangement view). When he sends them back, he will render just the stems he recorded and give them back to you for import and further processing.

I would suggest he goes easy on compression and post processing if you are doing the mixing. That would give you room to work it into the final mix.
I am not sure that Cubase Elements 7 allows you 'Batch Export'. That would be the easy way to export/send each track individually from Cubase.

If you are doing the mixing tho, then there is no reason to send every track.

Like DM said, just send your Ableton friend a mix to play to. Have him send you back a 24-bit wav file.
Cubase 7 Element only allows you to Export Stereo Tracks, You can"t export say KICK - SNARE - GTR - BASS etc etc separately..... you can solo each individual track one at a time and export that way, very time consuming if ya got more than a dozens tracks.