Cubase Disk Cache Peaking silence


New member
I have just opened a large project of all the takes from a file I helped record. There are a lot of files in the project but an annoying thing is as i move down the list renaming the tracks sometimes when I pres play there is a large silence as the disk cache performance meter peaks to red. I have played around with the buffer for asioforall and increased it to max. I have tried releasing the asio driver in the background and tampering with performance settings in Windows. No luck...
Any suggestions?
Sorry this is not very clear.
The main jist is I have a lot of channels of audio open at once. Whenever I select a track and press play there is a pause as the disk overload meter peaks. It is very annoying and is preventing me from just being able to press play and listen to the project, i have to keep stopping it and let the disk peak meter go back down and then press play again..