Cubase Control Room/Multi Headphone Mixes


New member
I am running Cubase 4 with a Motu 896 HD interface. I am working on setting up the control room but am too much of a noob to know what to do next.

My current Control Room set up:

Monitor 1: Using my main outs (stereo)
Phones: Using the available phones output (stereo)
Talkback: Channel 8 (mono)
Studio 1: Not Connected (?)

Here's the problem, I want studio 1 to have a separate pair of stereo headphones but I am already using up the only phones output on my motu.

For now this is all I want to get working, I am for sure going to want more studio channels in the future which means I will need even more headphone outputs.

What is the best solution here? I'm wondering if I have to somehow have to configure a headphone mixer. Maybe add an external device channel. I don't know. A nudge in the right direction would be nice.

Thanks guys.