Cubase better then Soundforge?


New member
I am currently using Sony Soundforge Studio 9.0, but I am receiving a free copy of Cubase with some recording USB interface that I just ordered...

My question is:

Should I install Cubase instead of using Soundforge, will it make any difference to the quality of the sound that will be recorded?


It's not a matter of sound quality, it's a matter of fuctionality.

Cubase is a multitrack recording program. Soundforge is really a 2-track editor. If you needed to put vocals on top of your keyboard recordings, I doubt soundforge would be able to get that done.

Recording and mixing is what Cubase is designed for and good at.

Editing mixes and mastering is what Soundforge is for.
Soundforge is a WAV editing tool. Cubase is a tracking/mixing tool. 2 different animals.

Some folks master in cubase as well though it's not really designed for that. Both Soundforge and Wavelab are excellent editing tools as well as great masteriing software.

When all is said and done I don't even think about the mastering process (Soundforge / Wavelab) untill I'm 100% satisfied with my mixes.
yep multi-track in cubase get the mix how you like it then.. go to soundforge and do your final touches on the whole mix "mini-mastering"

but you can also edit wav and master in cubase...but tomato / tomaaato... i guess it comes down to which one you know your way around the best at that point..
both great tools to have in your arsenal! install cubase and play around with it, i currently run sx3 and love it i then will mix down to a stereo track which i pull up in soundforge for final touches and such, i guess soundforge is a familier feel to me for that aspect but i like cubase for mixing/tracking as mentioned, cant get alot done with 2 tracks at a time
happy experimenting