I have never had a problem with cracked software of any kind. It doesn't screw up your regestry or your usb ports like the guy that sells software at the guitar center will always tell you. I've never met anyone ever who said "dude I used cracked software and now my usb port doesn't work and my registry is all messed up, they were right man."
You sound like you're just learning the stuff and can't afford to throw down for a full system and no one should have a problem with that. There's lots of free/cheap alternatives but they suck. I can understand wanting to learn something a more legitimate like Steinberg, Sonar, Protools, or DP. Just make sure your antivirus is up to date if you get it via filesharing. Accidentally downloading a virus WILL mess your computer up badly (as if you didn't know that).
And when all is said and done, saving up and throwing down 3-5 hundred bucks for an Mbox or whatever you like is easier, you'll get tech support, upgrades/patches, and you'll always have a legit copy of the software/manuals/etc...
You can find deals on the Electronic Bay as well for interfaces that are compatible with everything but Protools like the Tascam US 122. For, like, 120 bucks you can get that and it comes with free Steinberg software.
And shit.
Now then. Try cranking your latency tab all the way to the right. If that doesn't work, try 3/4ths of the way to the right. Mess around with the setting until you get something that works for you.
Also, try optimizing Windows.
Also, you can probably find a pirated manual for the pirated software you have via filesharing or your friend's version may have a manual included. Read it. All of it.
p.s. Protools Free version only works for Windows 98/ME, not XP.
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